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The GermanPod101 Challenge 2009!

Do you want to make a lot of progress in German this year?

Here’s your chance to become famous and win a prize for doing so! The GermanPod101 Challenge 2009. Hear about it in the news podcast dated January 11th.

How it works:

  1. Upload a video to Youtube in which you speak German. Tag it with “Before GermanPod101 Challenge 2009”. This will be your before picture, so you should submit it as soon as possible.
  2. Study German. You have 6 months (until the present series reach no. 25) to make as much progress as possible. The competition from other GermanPod101 members should be an extra incentive to do as much as you can. Joining late is possible but not recommended, as you won’t have as much time to make progress.
  3. Upload another video when the 6 months are over; we will remind you, too. Tag it with “After GermanPod101 Challenge 2009”. This will be your after picture, showing off how much progress you have made.
  4. The GermanPod101 team will compare the before and after videos and determine who has made the most progress. The winner will be announced publicly and will receive a free subscription to GermanPod101. In case of particularly many entrants, several prizes will be awarded.

So, what’s keeping you?! Upload your before video today, and start studying!