
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Judith: Hallo.
Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson 9. Get Some Beer For Me, Will You? Hello and welcome to germanpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I am Judith and thanks again for being here with us for this beginner series, Season 2 lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to ask for a beer
Judith: Or a coffee or whatever you need.
Chuck: This conversation takes place at home.
Judith: Again.
Chuck: The conversation is between the two protagonists.
Judith: Again.
Chuck: The speakers are friends.
Judith: More than friends actually. So they would be speaking informal German. Listeners, I have a question.
Chuck: A question.
Judith: Yeah. I want to know when was the last time you commented.
Chuck: Yeah a great question.
Judith: Stop by germanpod101.com, leave us a comment or just say hi.
Chuck: All right. You heard Judith. So let’s listen to the conversation.
M: Wie wäre es mit Bratapfel zum Nachtisch? Dann bist du auch satt.
B: Hmm, Bratapfel ist lecker.
M: Okay, dann brauche ich aber noch ein paar Sachen. Ich gehe kurz einkaufen.
B: Gehst du zum Supermarkt?
M: Ja. Brauchst du noch etwas?
B: Ja, ich brauche Bier.
M: Okay, dann kaufe ich auch Bier ein.
B: Danke.
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
M: Wie wäre es mit Bratapfel zum Nachtisch? Dann bist du auch satt.
B: Hmm, Bratapfel ist lecker.
M: Okay, dann brauche ich aber noch ein paar Sachen. Ich gehe kurz einkaufen.
B: Gehst du zum Supermarkt?
M: Ja. Brauchst du noch etwas?
B: Ja, ich brauche Bier.
M: Okay, dann kaufe ich auch Bier ein.
B: Danke.
Judith: Now with the translation.
M: Wie wäre es mit Bratapfel zum Nachtisch? Dann bist du auch satt.
M: How'bout baked apple for dessert? Then you'll be full as well.
B: Hmm, Bratapfel ist lecker.
B: Hmm, baked apple is yummy.
M: Okay, dann brauche ich aber noch ein paar Sachen. Ich gehe kurz einkaufen.
M: Okay, however then I will need a few more things. I'm going shopping briefly.
B: Gehst du zum Supermarkt?
B: Are you going to the supermarket?
M: Ja. Brauchst du noch etwas?
M: Yes. Do you need something else?
B: Ja, ich brauche Bier.
B: Yes, I need beer.
M: Okay, dann kaufe ich auch Bier ein.
M: Okay, then I'll buy beer as well.
B: Danke.
B: Thanks.
Chuck: I have a good idea for cultural point today.
Judith: Like what?
Chuck: Beer.
Judith: Sure let’s talk about beer. I know that lot of Germans miss beer when they are abroad.
Chuck: But I think I need something to put me in the mood to talk about this.
Judith: No you don’t. Just talk about it and you might get a beer after the lesson.
Chuck: Okay.
Judith: There are lots of different types of beer in Germany and lots of different brands
Chuck: And lots of microbreweries as well.
Judith: Yeah and typically the German beer is stronger than American beer but it’s weaker than Belgium beer.
Chuck: Yeah a lot of Americans who aren’t that into beer come over here and they find there is so many different types of beer like Pilsner, Alt, Lager, Export, Dark beer, Strong beer.
Judith: And many more. It is always drunk with Hardy foods. If you are having something fancy at the French restaurant or whatever, then you are not so likely to drink beer with that. Wine would be more appropriate. Wine is very popular in Germany too.
Chuck: And also if you are coming over in the summer, it’s also quite common to drink beer in a beer garden. For example…
Judith: Yeah sit outside, have a beer in the evening, talk, it’s nice.
Chuck: The nice, long wooden benches.
Judith: And some people drink so much. We had a guy who stayed over, he was able to drink like 6 or 7 beers in one evening.
Chuck: Yeah it was pretty amazing. He didn’t even look like he was drunk at all. So he is used to drinking so much.
Judith: I think he is from Bavaria. Bavaria is the heartland of Beer consumption. People really drink a lot there.
Chuck: Yeah I think the only country that drinks more beer per capita than Germany and the Czech Republic.
Judith: Yeah and if you want to learn more about Beer, we did the whole audio blog just about the subject. Stay Advanced Audio blog #4.
Chuck: I don’t think I have even heard that yet.
Judith: It’s one of the really early lessons.
Chuck: And one more thing about beer is that a lot of Germans especially in Bavaria love their Wheat beer which has to be poured into special glasses in a certain way.
Judith: Oh all beers have their own kind of glass.
Chuck: Yeah. So that’s so amazing. The wheat beer, you hold it practically horizontally and then you pour the beer in very slowly so that you get a nice crown of foam at the top. This foam is also an important part of beer here that you often don’t see in other countries.
Judith: Listen to our expert here.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: First word or rather first phrase [Wie wäre es mit]
Chuck: How about having
Judith: [Wie wäre es mit, wie wäre es mit] Next word [Bratapfel]
Chuck: Baked apple.
Judith: [Bratapfel, Bratapfel] Next [Nachtisch]
Chuck: Dessert.
Judith: [Nachtisch, Nachtisch] Next [Satt]
Chuck: Full
Judith: [Satt, satt] Next [Lecker]
Chuck: Yummy or delicious.
Judith: [Lecker, lecker] Next [Brauchen]
Chuck: To need.
Judith: [Brauchen, brauchen] Next [Ein paar]
Chuck: A couple or a few.
Judith: [Ein paar, ein paar] Next [Sache]
Chuck: Thing.
Judith: [Sache, Sache] Next [Kurz]
Chuck: Short, brief or briefly.
Judith: [Kurz, kurz] Next [Einkaufen]
Chuck: To go shopping or buy.
Judith: [Einkaufen, einkaufen] Next [Supermarkt]
Chuck: Supermarket.
Judith: [Supermarkt, Supermarkt] Next [Bier]
Chuck: Beer
Judith: [Bier, Bier]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we will look at is [Wie wäre es mit]
Chuck: Literally how would it be with.
Judith: In German, it’s used to politely make a suggestion. For example, [Wie wäre es mit einem Bier?]
Chuck: How would you like a beer?
Judith: Or [Wie wäre es mit Kino heute Abend?]
Chuck: Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
Judith: The other thing we want to talk about is [Zum]. In this dialogue, you saw [Zum] several times. [Zum] is not a new word but it’s a contraction of [Zu] and [Dem]. You can see it for example in phrases like [Zum Nachtisch] that means for dessert or [Zum Mittagessen]
Chuck: For lunch.
Judith: In these cases, [Zum] has the meaning of for but otherwise it just means to. For example, [Zum Park]. Alright, now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The grammar focus of this lesson is separable verbs.
Judith: Separable verb is one that splits in two at the slightest provocation. For example [Einkaufen]
Chuck: To shop or buy.
Judith: In the infinitive, its one word as you can also see in the phrase [Ich gehe einkaufen]
Chuck: I am going shopping.
Judith: However when it’s conjugated, the [Ein] part splits off and it positions itself at the end of the sentence. So you say [Ich kaufe ein]
Chuck: Note that it’s always the same prefix as the split off. So it’s not really difficult but it is an annoyance. Another verb like this is [Mitkommen]
Judith: To come along.
Chuck: Or as we say in my region, to come with.
Judith: Here the [Mit] splits off so that you can clearly see the stem come on [Kommen, kommst du mit?]
Chuck: Are you coming along?
Judith: So [Mit] is used whenever an English phrase or verb uses along and also in a lot of cases when English uses another word. If you understand [Mit] as a prefix, you can improve your German vocabulary quickly. Let’s have a look at some of those verbs. If there is [Mitkommen], we also have [Mitgehen]
Chuck: To go along.
Judith: [Mitschreiben]
Chuck: To write along.
Judith: That would be to take notes. And [Mitmachen]
Chuck: To do along. Wait! So that would be like to participate?
Judith: Right. [Mitessen]
Chuck: To eat along.
Judith: That’s to join for meal. And [Mitdenken]
Chuck: To think along.
Judith: That is to follow somebody’s train of thought and to think ahead.


Chuck: So that just about does it for today. Okay some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com
Judith: Line by line audio.
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to the lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: Listen till every word or syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences so you can study with.
Judith: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at germanpod101.com
Chuck: Well thanks for listening.
Judith: [Bis nächstes Mal]
Chuck: Till next time.

