
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 24 – “Hey Soccer Fans!”
Judith: Hi, my name is Judith and I’m joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to GermanPod101.
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to describe interesting things that you see!
Judith: This conversation takes place on a street in Berlin.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and Anke.
Judith: The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation!
Joe: Haha, guck mal die da!
Anke: Wer?
Joe: Die Männer da vorne!
Anke: Ach die! Das sind Fußballfans!
Joe: Haha, ja, das kann man nicht übersehen!
Anke: Guckst du Fußball?
Joe: Ja, manchmal. Wenn es Länderspiele sind, gucke ich gerne Fußball.
Anke: Super! Ich hoffe, dass du heute Abend Zeit hast? Ich gucke Fußball mit Freunden bei mir zu Hause. Du musst auch kommen!
Joe: Ich muss? Aber das mache ich doch gerne! Spielt Deutschland heute?
Anke: Ja!
Joe: Oh toll! Ein Deutschland-Spiel mit Deutschen gucken! Das wird sicher toll! Hast du einen Lieblingsspieler?
Anke: Hmm, ich finde Michael Ballack toll.
Joe: Oh, den kenne ich! Er ist Stürmer, oder?
Anke: Nein! Er spielt im Mittelfeld! Aber er spielt jetzt nicht, weil er verletzt ist.
Joe: Oh, schade. Hast du ein Trikot von Michael Ballack oder einen Schal?
Anke: Hmm, nein.
Joe: Was? Du musst doch ein Trikot haben, wenn du ein richtiger Fan bist!
Anke: Ja, stimmt! Dann kaufen wir jetzt Trikots! Ich kaufe ein Trikot von Micheal Ballack! Und du?
Joe: Hmm, ich will ein Trikot von dem Torwart!
Anke: Gut, dann los! Da vorne ist ein Sportladen, der sicher Trikots hat.
Joe: Na dann los! Oléeee, olé olé oléeeee, wir sind die Champions oléeeee!
Anke: Haha, du bist jetzt schon ein richtiger Fan, auch wenn du noch kein Trikot hast!!!
Joe: Haha, look at them over there!
Anke: Who?
Joe: The men up front!
Anke: Oh them! They’re soccer fans!
Joe: Haha, yes, that can't be overlooked!
Anke: Do you watch soccer?
Joe: Yeah, sometimes. If there's a match between two countries, I'm happy to watch.
Anke: Great! I hope that you have time tonight? I’m going to watch soccer with friends at my home. You must come as well!
Joe: I must? But I like doing that! Is Germany playing today?
Anke: Yes!
Joe: Oh cool! It'll definitely be cool to watch a Germany game with Germans! Do you have a favorite player?
Anke: Hmm, I think Michael Ballack is nice.
Joe: Oh, I know him! He's a forward, right?
Anke: No! He plays in midfield! But he's not playing now, because he's injured.
Joe: Oh, that's too bad. Do you have a Michael Ballack jersey or maybe a scarf?
Anke: Hmm, no.
Joe: What? You really must have a jersey if you're a real fan!
Anke: Yeah, true. Then let's buy jerseys! I'll buy a Michael Ballack jersey! And you?
Joe: Hmm, I want a goalie jersey.
Anke: Good, let's go! There up front is a sports store that certainly has jerseys.
Joe: Let's go then! Oléeee, olé olé oléeeee, we are the champions oléeeee!
Anke: Haha, you're already a real fan, even when you don't have a jersey yet!
Judith: Alright! Now this lesson should be about soccer, shouldn’t it?
Chuck: Yeah, sure.
Judith: Soccer is everywhere in Germany. It’s our national sport!
Chuck: More than six million people are registered members of the [Deutsche Fußball Bund], the German Football Association.
Judith: No, soccer association.
Chuck: Ah, it’s right. Be careful, remember that [Fußball] is “soccer”.
Judith: Yes.
Chuck: But British for “football”.
Judith: And, really, right now, it’s so hard to escape the euphoria because Germany is playing in the World Cup and well, people are going crazy.
Chuck: You see German flags everywhere.
Judith: Yes, it’s about the only time you see German flags. This is definitively the occasion for one.
Chuck: I know near us, whenever Germany makes a goal, we hear a really loud “BOOM” from across the street.
Judith: Yes. I don’t know what kind of firecrackers they got, but it’s shaking the core of the buildings.
Chuck: I think she jumps about two meters high when it hits.
Judith: It’s bad. Anyway, so another thing about soccer, in case you never learned about it, soccer is played with 11 players on each side, and every team has one goalie which is called [Torwart] in German and then there’s a variable number of defense players called [Abwehr] in German. There’s also mid-fielders called [Mittelfeld] and forward players, [Stürmer] in German.
Chuck: Oh wait, but I thought [Verteidigung] was defense.
Judith: Yeah, but [Abwehr] is most likely used in soccer.
Chuck: Ah, so it’s pretty much a different term for sports and war for example?
Judith: Yeah.
Chuck: Well, as I mentioned earlier, the game is called [Fußball], it is “foot-ball” in German, because players primarily use their feet to move the ball forward toward the goal. Well except for the goalie, no one is allowed to use their hands. However, it’s possible to move a ball a little with your upper body or with your head, well, not with your arms though.
Judith: Yes. Arms are not allowed, except for the goalie. And unlike American football, the game is not violent. The focus is more on intercepting passes, being in your opponent’s way or using techniques to take the ball away from him. And of course there’s a science behind outsmarting the goalie and scoring a goal.
Chuck: German kids grew up with soccer. Like, you can just just pretty much ask any random German and they can explain the intricate soccer rules to you like the famous offsides rule. So you should at least know some basics of soccer, watch a game once. And if you want to have fun, if you’re an American, try to teach some Germans some baseball rules. It’s fun to watch them show their confusion on their faces as you explain the game.
Judith: Yeah.
Chuck: I guess for the British, the cricket would work well.
Judith: Yes. If you want to learn more about soccer in Germany, you should see our audio blog number six.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word is?
Judith: [gucken]
Chuck: “To watch”
Judith: [gucken, gucken]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [wer]
Chuck: “Who”
Judith: [wer, wer]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Fußball]
Chuck: “Soccer”
Judith: [Fußball, der Fußball] and the plural is [Fußbälle]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Fan]
Chuck: “Fan”
Judith: [Fan, der Fan] and the plural is [Fans]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [übersehen]
Chuck: “To overlook”
Judith: [übersehen, übersehen] the forms are [Er übersieht] and the rest you don’t have to worry about yet. Just remember that it’s a vowel-changing verb.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Land]
Chuck: “Country, land” or “countryside”
Judith: [Land, das Land] and the plural is [Länder]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Abend]
Chuck: “Evening”
Judith: [Abend, der Abend] the plural is [Abende]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Lieblings]
Chuck: “Favorite”
Judith: [Lieblings, Lieblings]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [verletzt]
Chuck: “Injured” or “hurt”
Judith: [verletzt, verletzt]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Trikot]
Chuck: “Jersey”
Judith: [Trikot, das Trikot] and the plural is [Trikots]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Schal]
Chuck: “Scarf”
Judith: [Schal, der Schal]. This word is masculine and the plural is [Schals].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Sport]
Chuck: “Sport”
Judith: [Sport, der Sport]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Laden]
Chuck: “Shop”
Judith: [Laden, der Laden] and the plural is [Läden]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word is [Länderspiel]
Chuck: “Match between two countries”.
Judith: It’s the plural of [Land] which is [Länder] and then [Spiel], so “country’s game, country’s match”. There are two new words based on the same root as [spielen], one is [das Spiel].
Chuck: “Game” or “match”
Judith: And the other is [der Spieler].
Chuck: “Player”
Judith: This will also be the subject of our grammar point. And then, I want to draw your attention to the phrase [das wird sicher toll]. It’s the same as saying [das wird sicher toll sein], but the future tense of the [sein] can be abbreviated like this, to make the sentences shorter, more lively, more snappy, [das wird sicher toll].

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is forming nouns based on verbs in German.
Judith: The first way is by just capitalizing the verb. It may sound too easy to you but it actually works. What you get is the grammatical form called the gerund and it’s always neuter. For example, [arbeiten]
Chuck: “To work”.
Judith: And the noun is [das Arbeiten]
Chuck: “The working”.
Judith: [spielen]
Chuck: “To play”.
Judith: [Das Spielen]
Chuck: “The playing”.
Judith: This kind of form is used in phrases like [Das Spielen von Fußball ist sehr gesund].
Chuck: “The playing of soccer is very healthy.”
Judith: When you want to talk about the action.
Chuck: Another way is by taking out the infinitive ending. It doesn’t always work, but very often, it will reveal another noun related to this verb.
Judith: For example, [arbeiten]
Chuck: “To work”
Judith: [die Arbeit]
Chuck: “The work”
Judith: [spielen]
Chuck: “To play”
Judith: [das Spiel]
Chuck: “The game”. For more advanced vocabulary, you’ll often find nouns ending in “U-N-G” instead. These are always feminine and focus on the duration aspect.
Judith: [besichtigen]
Chuck: “To tour”
Judith: [die Besichtigung]
Chuck: “The tour”
Judith: [bestellen]
Chuck: “To order”
Judith: [die Bestellung]
Chuck: “The order”
Judith: [erzählen]
Chuck: “To tell”
Judith: [die Erzählung]
Chuck: “Story”. Finally, when you want the word for somebody who’s doing the action, use the ending “E-R”. It works pretty much like in English. Words created this way are always masculine and don’t change for plural.
Judith: [arbeiten]
Chuck: “To work”
Judith: [der Arbeiter]
Chuck: “The worker”
Judith: [spielen]
Chuck: “To play”
Judith: [der Spieler]
Chuck: “The player”
Judith: [erzählen]
Chuck: “To tell”
Judith: [der Erzähler]


Chuck: “The narrator”. That just about does it for today. Before we go, I want to tell you about a way to drastically improve your pronunciation.
Judith: The voice recording tool.
Chuck: Yes, the voice recording tool.
Judith: Record your voice with a click of a button.
Chuck: Then play it back just as easily.
Judith: Record and listen, then?
Chuck: Compare it to native speakers.
Judith: And adjust your pronunciation.
Chuck: This will help you improve your pronunciation fast. See you next week!
Judith: [Bis nächste Woche]

