
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, upper intermediate season 1 lesson 19. A night out in Germany. Hello and welcome back to germanpd101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German. I’m joined in the studio by,
Judith: Hello everyone, Judith here.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to get vital details about the place you are going tonight.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a German office.
Chuck: The conversation is between Frank Jones and Mrs. Byer.
Judith: The speakers are colleagues, therefore they’ll be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Listen to the conversation.
Bayer: Und, Herr Jones, freuen Sie sich schon auf den Betriebsausflug morgen?
Jones: Morgen?! Oh, das hatte ich ganz vergessen!
Bayer: Was? Mensch, wie kann man das vergessen! Ich freue mich schon die ganze Woche darauf!
Jones: Wann ist die Show noch mal?
Bayer: Die Show beginnt um 18 Uhr, aber wir müssen natürlich schon früher da sein.
Jones: Und treffen wir uns alle hier oder vor dem Theater, in dem die Show stattfindet?
Bayer: Haben Sie die Mail nicht bekommen, die Herr Müller der ganzen Abteilung geschickt hat?
Jones: Hmm doch, aber irgendwie habe ich mir den Inhalt nicht wirklich gemerkt…
Bayer: Haha…Ja, das merke ich. Also wir treffen uns um 17 Uhr 15 am Eingang.
Jones: Äh und in welchem Theater?
Bayer: Das Theater ist am Potsdamer Platz.
Jones: Ach.. Ist es das Gebäude, auf dem auch der Name der Show steht?
Bayer: Ja, genau. Das Theater, dessen Show wir uns angucken, war früher ein Kino und wurde extra für die Show umgebaut.
Jones: Gut, dann kann ich das Theater ja nicht verfehlen.
Bayer: Ja, passen Sie nur auf, dass Sie auch an dem Eingang stehen, an dem wir uns treffen.
Jones: Oh, gibt es mehrere Eingänge?
Bayer: Haha, nein! Das war nur ein Scherz!
Bayer: And, Mr. Jones, are you looking forward to the office excursion tomorrow?
Jones: Tomorrow?! Oh, I totally forgot about that!
Bayer: What? Man, how can you forget that? I've been looking forward to it all week!
Jones: When is the show, again?
Bayer: The show starts at 6pm, but we'll have to be there a bit earlier, of course.
Jones: And are we meeting here, or in front of the theater where it's happening?
Bayer: Didn't you get the email that Mr. Müller sent to the whole department?
Jones: Hmm, I did, but somehow I didn't remember the contents of it.
Bayer: Haha...Yes, I noticed. So, we're meeting at 5.15pm at the entrance.
Jones: Ahh, and which theater?
Bayer: The theater is at Potsdamer Platz.
Jones: Oh...is it the building that has the name of the show on it?
Bayer: Yes, exactly. The theater whose show we're watching was previously a movie theater and was renovated specifically for this show.
Jones: Great, then I can't miss it.
Bayer: Yes, just make sure that you're waiting at the same entrance as us.
Jones: Oh, there are multiple entrances?
Bayer: Haha, no! That was just a joke.
Judith: Okay [Potsdamer Platz], it’s a really historic famous building.
Chuck: Well it’s very modern.
Judith: Yes very modern, very lively. It’s the meeting point for everyone looking to have fun and it’s always been that way except for the time when it was the border between East and West Berlin.
Chuck: Nowadays it’s the home to several theatres including musicals and cinemas.
Judith: And there is an ultra-modern super cool building there at the Sony center. The architecture is really stunning. There are water fountains inside and cafés and restaurants all arranged and around the semi-open ceiling it’s beautiful.
Chuck: Also you will find a cinema there showing movies in the original language without dubbing, well it’s mostly American movies, but as long as they have an occasional other one.
Judith: It’s really nice.
Chuck: You can even get salted popcorn there. Yes!!! Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is;
Judith: [stattfinden].
Chuck: To take place.
Judith: [stattfinden] and the forms are [Es findet statt, Es fand statt, Es hat stattgefunden].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Mail]
Chuck: E-mail.
Judith: [Mail, die] and the plural is [Mails].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [schicken]
Chuck: To send.
Judith: [schicken]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Inhalt]
Chuck: Content.
Judith: [Inhalt, der] and the plural is [Inhalte].
Chuck: Next
Judith: [merken]
Chuck: To notice.
Judith: [merken]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [sich merken]
Chuck: To memorize.
Judith: [sich merken]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Eingang]
Chuck: Entrance.
Judith: [Eingang, der] and the plural is Eingänge.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Gebäude]
Chuck: Building.
Judith: [Gebäude, das] and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [angucken]
Chuck: To watch or look at.
Judith: [angucken] and the [an] splits off.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Kino]
Chuck: Cinema or movie theatre.
Judith: [Kino, das] and the plural is [Kinos]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [umbauen]
Chuck: To rebuild, reconstruct or remodel.
Judith: [umbauen] and the [um] splits off.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [verfehlen]
Chuck: To miss as in a target or goal.
Judith: [verfehlen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [aufpassen]
Chuck: To pay attention, watch out or look after.
Judith: [aufpassen] and [auf] splits off.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Scherz]
Chuck: Joke.
Judith: [Scherz, der] and the plural is [Scherze]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase is [nochmal] this means again but in the question, “when is the [Wann ist die Show nochmal]?” you shouldn’t take it literally. It’s like asking someone to remind you, “when’s the show again?”[Wann ist die Show nochmal]? There’s also the word [extra] does mean extra. For example in [Das Kino wurde extra für die Show umgebaut], I would translate [extra] as specifically. How do you say it?
Chuck: I would say especially.
Judith: Yes, maybe. The cinema was especially reconstructed for the show. Just for that show. That’s the meaning of [extra].
Chuck: Yes. The focus of this lesson is relative clauses part two.

Lesson focus

Judith: In the previous lesson, we already looked at relative clauses. In those, the relative pronoun was always the same as the article.
Chuck: Now there are two more things you should be aware of. One is that if there is a preposition in front of the article in one sentence then the same article will also appear in front of the relative pronoun. Just like in English actually.
Judith: For example, [Ich gehe in den Park. Ein Kind spielt in dem Park] so the full sentence will be [Ich gehe in den Park, in dem ein Kind spielt].
Chuck: Are you going to the park in which your child is playing? The other thing you should be aware of is that some relative pronouns are not the same as the articles. This mostly concerns the genitive.
Judith: For masculine and neutral words, the genitive relative pronoun is [dessen] as the dialogue showed. For feminine words and all plurals, the genitive relative pronoun is [deren] so apart for [dessen] and [deren], there’s only one other relative pronoun that’s irregular. The dative plural one. It’s [denen] across all genders.


Chuck: If you look carefully, you’ll notice that [dessen, deren] and [denen] are not taken out of thin air. Instead they are almost the same as the article you expect to see with just an extra “en”. Well that just about does it for today stop by germanpod101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
Judith: It has the conversation transcript, vocabulary, sample sentences, grammar explanations and a cultural insight section.
Chuck: Seeing in German,
Judith: Really helps you remember faster.
Chuck: Don’t take our word for it, have a look for yourself and let us know what you think. See you next week. And don’t forget to comment if you like this lesson.
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

