
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Upper intermediate series, season 1, lesson 1. German Soccer clubs, goal!
Judith: Hi my name is Judith and I am joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to germanpod101.
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to understand sports news in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at home.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and the TV newsman.
Judith: The speakers will be using formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jones: Ah, endlich zu Hause! Ich bin so müde, dass ich im Bus fast eingeschlafen wäre! Mal sehen, was so im Fernsehen läuft…
TV: …Und nun die Nachrichten….
Jones: Oh, Nachrichten. Hoffentlich sagen sie die WM-Ergebnisse von heute an! Ich glaube, Deutschland hat heute gespielt….
TV: Und nun zum Sport. Deutschland hat heute Spanien mit einem 2 zu 0 Sieg geschlagen und steht somit im Finale der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2010.
Jones: Oh, wow. Das hätte ich ja nicht gedacht!
TV: Das Team von Trainer Jogi Löw überzeugte mit einer guten Leistung….
Jones: Hmm, ich wüsste gerne, wie Ballack sich jetzt wohl fühlt...
TV: Die deutschen Spieler zeigten sich für das Finale optimistisch, sie glauben fest daran, dass sie eine Chance auf den Titel haben…
Jones: Hmm und gegen wen spielen sie im Finale?
TV: Im Finale trifft die deutsche National-Elf auf die Mannschaft aus England….
Jones: Oh, das wird spannend!!
TV: Die Mannschaft aus England gilt ebenso wie Deutschland als Favorit für den Weltmeister-Titel. Sie ist ohne Beckham und Owen jedoch sehr geschwächt….
Jones: Stimmt…Das könnte schwer werden für England….
TV: Für England wäre es der zweite WM-Titel, Deutschland wäre bei einem Sieg im Finale zum vierten Mal Weltmeister.
Jones: Also…Ginge es nach mir, würde ich sagen Deutschland gewinnt…aber man kann ja nie wissen….
Jones: Ah, finally home! I'm so tired, that I almost fell asleep in the bus! Let's see what's on TV...
TV: ...And now the news...
Jones: Oh, news. Hopefully they'll talk about the World Cup events from today! I believe that Germany played today...
TV: And now the Sports. Germany beat Spain 2 to 0 and is now in the World Cup 2010 Finale.
Jones: Oh, wow. I hadn't thought about that!
TV: Coach Jogi Löw's team convinced us with a good performance...
Jones: Hmm, it would be a pleasure to know how Ballack feels now...
TV: The German players are optimistic about the finale. They strongly believe that they have a chance at the title...
Jones: Hmm and who do they play against in the finale?
TV: German's Eleven will play England's team for the finale...
Jones: Oh, that will be exciting!!
TV: England's team is as much of a favorite as Germany for the World Cup title. They're very weakened without Beckham and Owen...
Jones: That's right... That could be difficult for England...
TV: For England that would be the second World Cup title, Germany would be the world champions for the fourth time with a victory.
Jones: So... if it were up to me... but one can never know...
Judith: All right. Sounds like a perfect set up for a soccer lesson.
Chuck: All right. I was going to say hockey but I guess soccer fits you better.
Judith: In one of the other lessons, we already talked about how to play soccer and let’s maybe give a little bit more information. You see, soccer is everywhere in Germany and it’s our national sport. So you better know a little about it.
Chuck: I mean, it’s pretty much really everywhere. I mean you are shopping for candy. Oh! There is a world cup section of candy.
Judith: You are trying to buy a TV. They try to sell it to you by showing how the soccer game looks on that.
Chuck: What about train tickets? They are coupled with Fußball-Jersey.
Judith: Yeah. Right now you get those.
Chuck: Pretty much everything. Everyone is trying to figure out a way to incorporate the world cup into their marketing strategy.
Judith: Yeah or just any soccer game like typically to convince people to get satellite TV, they tell you how many soccer channels they have.
Chuck: Uh, don’t forget that when you are walking around, just walking down the street in Berlin, you walk past a bar. After a bar, you see TV after TV after TV. One of my friends said, he has never seen so many TVs in his life and he visits a lot of electronic stores.
Judith: It’s crazy. I mean right now, there is a lot of Euphoria of course because of the championship and that is the only time that you see German flags, I mean everywhere. Normally, normal people don’t have German flags. It’s only on the official buildings but right now, entirely different matter.
Chuck: Yeah.
Judith: So let’s talk a bit about how soccer normally works. Normally there is just the Bundesliga, the federal league and this one consists of the top 18 soccer clubs. The majority of good clubs comes from North Rhine-Westphalia where I was born because this is a big state with a lot of big cities.
Chuck: Yeah it’s still an issue. They used to have company soccer teams laying their groundwork for homegrown soccer talent but nowadays, the majority of players are imported.
Judith: Yes you can have say Cologne play Hamburg and I don’t think there is a single Cologne or Hamburg play. [Bayern-München] is probably the best or at least the most famous soccer club. It has fans all over the country and in abroad. For the other clubs, the fans usually have ties to the city or the region that the club comes from.
Chuck: To learn more about soccer, see our audio blog #6.
Judith: Yes and there is also an audio blog specifically about the world championship. It’s the audio blog #23 from the third season.
Chuck: So let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Judith: [einschlafen].
Chuck: To fall asleep.
Judith: [einschlafen] The forms are [Er schläft ein, Er schlief ein, Er ist eingeschlafen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Ergebnis].
Chuck: Result.
Judith: [Ergebnis, das] And the plural is [Ergebnisse].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Sieg].
Chuck: Victory.
Judith: [Sieg, der]. This is masculine and the plural is [Siege].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [schlagen].
Chuck: To hit, beat or defeat.
Judith: [schlagen. Er schlägt, Er schlug, Er hat geschlagen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [somit].
Chuck: Hence
Judith: [somit].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Meisterschaft].
Chuck: Championship.
Judith: [Meisterschaft, die]. And the plural is [Meisterschaften].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [überzeugen].
Chuck: To convince
Judith: [überzeugen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Leistung].
Chuck: Performance.
Judith: [Leistung, die] And the plural is [Leistungen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [optimistisch].
Chuck: Optimistic.
Judith: [optimistisch].
Chuck: Next
Judith: [fest].
Chuck: Solid.
Judith: [fest].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [spannend].
Chuck: Thrilling.
Judith: [spannend].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [gelten].
Chuck: To be considered.
Judith: [gelten. Er gilt, Er galt, Er hat gegolten].
Chuck: Next
Judith: [schwächen].
Chuck: To weaken.
Judith: [schwächen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Weltmeister].
Chuck: World champion.
Judith: [Weltmeister, der]. And the plural is the same.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word is [WM]. This stands for [Weltmeisterschaft].
Chuck: World championship.
Judith: And normally that would be soccer unless it´s otherwise indicated like you can say [Die Basketball-Weltmeisterschaft], but if you are just talking of a [Weltmeisterschaft], then it would normally be soccer.
Chuck: And I believe [WM] the letters to [WM] it always means soccer you know.
Judith: Yes, unless it’s combined like [Die Basketball-WM] you can say.
Chuck: Okay, because you made that word so long, I have to abbreviate it.
Judith: It just lends itself better for science.
Chuck: Sure.
Judith: Now I have a phrase I would like to talk about [Das Team von Trainer Jogi Löw überzeugte mit einer guten Leistung].
Chuck: [Couch Jogi Löw´s] team convinced with the good performance.
Judith: This means they gave a convincing performance. It’s just a German way of phrasing it and finally, there is an expression [ginge es nach mir].
Chuck: If it were up to me.
Judith: This is a really useful one to know [ginge es nach mir].
Chuck: What’s that literally mean?
Judith: It would go after me or rather would it go after me as in if it should do so. That’s why there is an inversion [ginge es, rather than es ginge].

Lesson focus

Chuck: Oh okay. The grammar focus of this lesson is [Konjuktiv 2].
Judith: Yes the German [Konjuktiv] conjunctive is across between conditional mood and the subjunctive as you might know it from French or Spanish. It’s used to express wishes or doubts especially about future events and it’s also used in reported speech.
Chuck: There are two types of conjunctive forms labeled I and II in Roman numerals. Both are used for the exact same purposes. Type 1 is only ever used in literature nowadays. So we will skip it for now. Type II is used much more commonly.
Judith: To form a type II conjunctive, take the past tense form of any verb and add an umlaut. Also the [Ich] and [Er] forms should end in E. Other than that, the forms are identical to the past tense forms.
Chuck: Could you give me the forms of [kommen] to come?
Judith: Sure. So the past tense would start with [Ich kam] and the conjunctive II of that is [Ich käme]. So we put an umlaut on the A and we add an E [Ich käme] and then [Du kamst] turns into [Du kämst], you would come. [Er kam - Er käme, Wir kamen - Wir kämen, Ihr kamt - Ihr kämt, Sie kamen - Sie kämen].
Chuck: So in proper German, you would say [Er sagte, dass er um vier Uhr käme]. He said that he would come at 4 o’ clock. However you will find there are few proper Germans left. For the most part especially in spoken German, people take the easy way out and just use the conjunctive of futures and words. To be fair, I’ve never actually heard anyone say kam or [käme].
Judith: Kam you’ve heard, well seen because the past tense is used in writing. [Käme] You may have seen written but yes it’s not that likely. In written German, it’s used but well you don’t correspond with that many people who’d write like that.
Chuck: I think you are just implying that I should read more in German.
Judith: Well, the conjunctives that are still used are forms like [wäre].
Chuck: Would be
Judith: [hätte].
Chuck: Would have
Judith: [könnte].
Chuck: Could
Judith: [würde].
Chuck: Would have to
Judith: And [möchte]
Chuck: Would like. And there are a few verbs whose conjunctive forms are only used when they are part of an expression.
Judith: For example [wüsste].
Chuck: Would know.
Judith: And [ginge].
Chuck: Would go.
Judith: At all other times, the modern conjunctive is formed by using [würde].
Chuck: Conjunctive to of [werden].
Judith: And the infinitive of whichever you are planning to use. So you’d say [würde gehen] instead of [ginge] instead of [würde wissen instead of wüsste] and so on.


Chuck: Well that just about does it for today. Stop by germanpod101.com, pick up the lesson notes.
Judith: It has the conversation transcript.
Chuck: Vocabulary, sample sentences, the grammar explanation.
Judith: And a cultural insights section.
Chuck: It’s really great. You really have to get it if you don’t have it already because seeing the German.
Judith: Really helps you remember faster.
Chuck: Don’t take our word for it. Have a look for yourself.
Judith: And let us know what you think.
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

