
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 8. You Don't Need to Do That at the German Hotel. Hello and welcome to germanpod101.com where we study modern German in a fun, educational format.
Judith: So brush up on the German that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Chuck: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. So Judith, what are we looking at today?
Judith: In this lesson, you will learn how to get a room at the German hotel.
Chuck: This conversation takes place at a hotel in Munich.
Judith: The conversation is between Joe and the receptionist.
Chuck: The speakers are in a business relationship. Therefore they will be speaking formal German. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Judith: Okay.
Joe: Hallo.
Rezeption: Guten Tag. Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Joe: Ja. Ich heiße Cardigan. Ich habe eine Reservierung.
Rezeption: Ah, ja. Herr Cardigan. Es gibt eine Änderung bei Ihrer Reservierung.
Joe: Oh! Was denn?
Rezeption: Sie bekommen ein Doppelzimmer und kein Einzelzimmer.
Joe: Oh, warum das?
Rezeption: In dem Einzelzimmer gibt es im Moment kein Wasser und es ist nur noch ein Doppelzimmer frei.
Joe: Hmm, aber ich muss jetzt nicht mehr zahlen, oder?
Rezeption: Nein, natürlich müssen Sie nicht mehr zahlen.
Joe: Okay.
Rezeption: Gut. …Sie haben Zimmer 2. Ihr Zimmer ist auf der 2.Etage links.
Joe: Zimmer 2, 2. Etage links. Hoffentlich vergesse ich das nicht….
Rezeption: Und vergessen Sie bitte auch nicht, dass im Hotel Rauchverbot ist. Sie dürfen also nicht auf dem Zimmer rauchen.
Joe: Ach, ich bin eh Nichtraucher.
Rezeption: Ah, okay.
Joe: Gut, also Zimmer 3 auf der 3.Etage.
Rezeption: Äh, nein. Zimmer 2 auf der 2.Etage….Warten Sie, ich bringe Sie einfach hin…
Joe: Ah, nein. Kein Problem, ich finde das Zimmer schon. Sie brauchen mich nicht hinbringen…
Rezeption: Sicher?
Joe: Ja.
Rezeption: Okay, dann viel Glück.
Judith: And now it’s slowly.
Joe: Hallo.
Rezeption: Guten Tag. Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Joe: Ja. Ich heiße Cardigan. Ich habe eine Reservierung.
Rezeption: Ah, ja. Herr Cardigan. Es gibt eine Änderung bei Ihrer Reservierung.
Joe: Oh! Was denn?
Rezeption: Sie bekommen ein Doppelzimmer und kein Einzelzimmer.
Joe: Oh, warum das?
Rezeption: In dem Einzelzimmer gibt es im Moment kein Wasser und es ist nur noch ein Doppelzimmer frei.
Joe: Hmm, aber ich muss jetzt nicht mehr zahlen, oder?
Rezeption: Nein, natürlich müssen Sie nicht mehr zahlen.
Joe: Okay.
Rezeption: Gut. …Sie haben Zimmer 2. Ihr Zimmer ist auf der 2.Etage links.
Joe: Zimmer 2, 2. Etage links. Hoffentlich vergesse ich das nicht….
Rezeption: Und vergessen Sie bitte auch nicht, dass im Hotel Rauchverbot ist. Sie dürfen also nicht auf dem Zimmer rauchen.
Joe: Ach, ich bin eh Nichtraucher.
Rezeption: Ah, okay.
Joe: Gut, also Zimmer 3 auf der 3.Etage.
Rezeption: Äh, nein. Zimmer 2 auf der 2.Etage….Warten Sie, ich bringe Sie einfach hin…
Joe: Ah, nein. Kein Problem, ich finde das Zimmer schon. Sie brauchen mich nicht hinbringen…
Rezeption: Sicher?
Joe: Ja.
Rezeption: Okay, dann viel Glück.
Judith: Now with the translation.
Joe: Hallo.
Joe: Hello.
Rezeption: Guten Tag. Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Reception: Hi, can I help you?
Joe: Ja. Ich heiße Cardigan. Ich habe eine Reservierung.
Joe: Yes, my name is Joe Cardigan. I have a reservation.
Rezeption: Ah, ja. Herr Cardigan. Es gibt eine Änderung bei Ihrer Reservierung.
Reception: Ah, Mr. Cardigan. There's been a change in your reservation.
Joe: Oh! Was denn?
Joe: Oh! What changed?
Rezeption: Sie bekommen ein Doppelzimmer und kein Einzelzimmer.
Reception: You'll be getting a double room instead of a single.
Joe: Oh, warum das?
Joe: Oh, why is that?
Rezeption: In dem Einzelzimmer gibt es im Moment kein Wasser und es ist nur noch ein Doppelzimmer frei.
Reception: At the moment the water isn't working in the single room at the moment, and there's only a double free.
Joe: Hmm, aber ich muss jetzt nicht mehr zahlen, oder?
Joe: Hmm, but I don't have to pay anything extra, right?
Rezeption: Nein, natürlich müssen Sie nicht mehr zahlen.
Reception: No, of course you won't have to pay any extra.
Joe: Okay.
Joe: OK.
Rezeption: Gut. …Sie haben Zimmer 2. Ihr Zimmer ist auf der 2.Etage links.
Reception: Great, you have room number 2. Your room is on the 2nd floor on the left side.
Joe: Zimmer 2, 2. Etage links. Hoffentlich vergesse ich das nicht….
Joe: Room 2, 2nd floor, on the left side. Hopefully I won't forget that...
Rezeption: Und vergessen Sie bitte auch nicht, dass im Hotel Rauchverbot ist. Sie dürfen also nicht auf dem Zimmer rauchen.
Reception: And also please don't forget that smoking is forbidden within the Hotel. You aren't allowed to smoke within your room.
Joe: Ach, ich bin eh Nichtraucher.
Joe: It's OK, I'm a nonsmoker anyway.
Rezeption: Ah, okay.
Reception: Ah, OK.
Joe: Gut, also Zimmer 3 auf der 3.Etage.
Joe: Great, room 3 on the 3rd floor.
Rezeption: Äh, nein. Zimmer 2 auf der 2.Etage….Warten Sie, ich bringe Sie einfach hin…
Reception: Sorry, no. It's room 2 on the 2nd floor. Wait a moment and I'll just bring you there myself.
Joe: Ah, nein. Kein Problem, ich finde das Zimmer schon. Sie brauchen mich nicht hinbringen…
Joe: No, it's no problem. I can find the room. You don't need to take me there.
Rezeption: Sicher?
Reception: Are you sure?
Joe: Ja.
Joe: Yes
Rezeption: Okay, dann viel Glück.
Reception: OK, good luck!
Chuck: Today we will talk about smoking in hotels.
Judith: Sounds good. Approximately 27% of all Germans smoke which I believe is still more than in the USA.
Chuck: Yeah I certainly think so. I mean in the States when you see someone smoking, you usually think well, there is a loser over there but over here, it’s just like oh, okay that’s normal.
Judith: Yeah. It’s still normal even though the number is decreasing.
Chuck: The recent laws against smoking in restaurants and bars were passed but it’s a state level issue. So the laws are stricter in some parts of Germany than others.
Judith: Yeah in Bavaria they are particularly strict but generally the laws argue in favor of nonsmoking customers or waiters. Well waiters are particularly bad because they are subjected to passive smoking at the workplace. So the laws have to protect them.
Chuck: But you also have to remember that these laws are passed only about two or three years ago. So some people are still not used to them.
Judith: Yeah a lot of people aren’t used to them but this means that if you want to smoke at the restaurant, then you have to go to outdoor seating.
Chuck: Well some restaurants have multiple like floors. They can put smoking in one floor and then not in the other.
Judith: Yeah but they have to be…
Chuck: But there has to be a very definite physical boundary between the two areas.
Judith: Yes they improved that law. Before it was possible to have a smoking area and a nonsmoking area but smoke would always come into the nonsmoking area.
Chuck: It’s strange how that would happen. The smoke should know better than to go into nonsmoking area.
Judith: There is also a possibility for bars to redefine themselves as smoker clubs because otherwise the bars are not allowed to allow smoking except for a separate room.
Chuck: That’s pretty cool too because often when you go into nightclubs, you just won’t be bothered with the smoke.
Judith: Yes.
Chuck: So remember three years ago, it was just horrible.
Judith: Also smoking is universally forbidden in public buildings, on public transport and at the workplace.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Judith: Ändern.
Chuck: To change.
Judith: Ändern. Ändern.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Bei.
Chuck: At as in a person’s place.
Judith: Bei. Bei.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Bekommen.
Chuck: To receive.
Judith: Bekommen. Bekommen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Doppel.
Chuck: Double
Judith: Doppel. Doppel.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Einzel.
Chuck: Single.
Judith: Einzel. Einzel.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Warum.
Chuck: Why
Judith: Warum. Warum.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Zahlen.
Chuck: To pay.
Judith: Zahlen. Zahlen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Etage.
Chuck: Floor or storey.
Judith: Etage. Etage. Die Etage and the plural is Etagen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Rauchen.
Chuck: To smoke
Judith: Rauchen. Rauchen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Verbot.
Chuck: Ban or prohibition.
Judith: Verbot. Verbot. Das Verbot and the plural is Verbote.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Nichtraucher.
Chuck: Nonsmoker.
Judith: Nichtraucher. Nichtraucher. Der Nichtraucher and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Brauchen.
Chuck: To need.
Judith: Brauchen. Brauchen.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word is Änderung.
Chuck: The change.
Judith: This is the noun based on ändern.
Chuck: To change.
Judith: So in the vocabulary list, you only see ändern, to change, but Änderung is the change.
Chuck: You can often add ung to change it. Can’t you?
Judith: Yes to make a noun, very, very common.
Chuck: So here we can change the change into a noun. What’s the next word?
Judith: Doppelzimmer.
Chuck: Double room.
Judith: Yes this is the combination of Doppel which is on the vocabulary and Zimmer which we learned before. So it literally translates to double room and the other thing is Einzelzimmer.
Chuck: Single room.
Judith: Yeah these refer to rooms with a double bed or a single bed. And another thing we should look at is the word Rauchverbot.
Chuck: Smoking ban.
Judith: Yeah it’s based on the verb rauchen.
Chuck: To smoke.
Judith: And das Verbot.
Chuck: A ban or a prohibition.
Judith: A ban on smoking. Actually in English, it’s hard to express. I believe in the translation, we said it is forbidden to smoke rather than there is a smoking ban or something.
Chuck: Yeah it is more typical to say like the nonsmoking area or something.
Judith: Yeah but in Germany, you see a lot of words with Verbot at the end. You know, compound nouns.
Chuck: Like what?
Judith: Rauchverbot is smoking ban and then there is Halteverbot.
Chuck: What’s the other one?
Judith: Halteverbot for example.
Chuck: Okay.
Judith: Means you are not allowed to stop because halten is to stop, Halteverbot. There is also Parkverbot.
Chuck: That means no parking right?
Judith: Yes. I haven’t seen a Schlafverbot yet though.
Chuck: Might need one of those for the studio. And you won`t sleep through all of our recordings. Okay that was just once.
Judith: But the thing is you can make a Verbot out of anything. Just put a verb and abbreviate it and then add Verbot.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is muss nicht, darf nicht, braucht nicht, kann nicht.
Judith: Since we taught you the verbs müssen and dürfen, we should probably mention that the negative versions don’t work quite as you’d expect. The equivalent of must not is darf nicht and the equivalent of muss nicht actually means doesn’t need to.
Chuck: Did you give us the fullest of equivalent?
Judith: Of course. Er kann nicht.
Chuck: He can’t.
Judith: Er braucht nicht.
Chuck: He need not.
Judith: Er muss nicht.
Chuck: He need not or he does not have to.
Judith: Yeah careful with this one. This is the least intuitive, er muss nicht, he need not as in he does not have to and er darf nicht.
Chuck: He must not. It’s forbidden for him to.
Judith: Also difficult one, er darf nicht literally it translates he may not but it means he must not.
Chuck: Commit this to memory or you may be making some serious mistakes.
Judith: Yes.


Chuck: That just about does it for today. Use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.
Judith: With this powerful audio file
Chuck: You will listen to and repeat keywords and phrases aloud to perfect pronunciation.
Judith: It is the best way to get good fast.
Chuck: Get it at germanpod101. So see you next time.
Judith: Also, bis nächstes Mal.

