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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Series, Season 4, Lesson 24 – “Considering a Move to Germany”.
Judith: Hi, my name is [Judith] and I’m joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to GermanPod101.com
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson you’ll learn how to ponder your options in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place on the subway, on the way back from the police station.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and Anke.
Judith: The speakers are friends therefore they’ll be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Joe: Puh, ich hoffe sie finden mein iPhone. Ohne iPhone fühle ich mich so nackt.
Anke: Tja... eigentlich gibt es wenige Verdächtige, denn bei der Konferenz laufen ja nicht so viele Leute herum, die das gestohlen haben könnten.
Joe: Wir werden sehen.
Joe: Du, Anke?
Anke: Ja?
Joe: Ich habe ein Jobangebot erhalten. Eine Berliner Firma namens Berlin Translated möchte, dass ich mich bei ihnen bewerbe. Ich habe mit einer Frau aus der Personalabteilung gesprochen, die bei meinem Vortrag war.
Anke: Interessant. Würdest du dann in Berlin für sie arbeiten, oder über das Internet?
Joe: In Berlin.
Anke: Du wärst bereit, für diesen Job herzuziehen?
Joe: Ja, warum nicht. Ich mag Deutschland. Ich fühle mich mit der deutschen Kultur und der deutschen Lebensweise verbunden und ich spreche ja schon Deutsch.
Anke: Wenn der Job in einer Kleinstadt wäre, würdest du dann da hinziehen?
Joe: Hmm... vielleicht nicht. Berlin ist schon eine tolle Stadt zum Leben.
Anke: Außerdem... wolltest du nicht Freiberufler bleiben?
Joe: Vielleicht, vielleicht auch nicht. Als Freiberufler ist es schwer, ein Visum zu kriegen, um herzukommen. Ich würde gerne zumindest jeden Sommer hier verbringen, aber wenn ich nicht hier arbeiten darf, wird es schwierig.
Anke: Das ist ein großer Unterschied, nur für den Sommer hierhin zu kommen, oder hier zu wohnen.
Joe: Na ja, ich werde mich eben bewerben, und dann sehen wir ja, ob die Firma mich überhaupt will, und wenn ja, wie viel Gehalt sie bereit ist zu zahlen.
Anke: Du hältst dir deine Möglichkeiten offen.
Joe: Genau. Alles andere wäre falsch.
Joe: Ugh, I hope they find my iPhone. Without an iPhone I feel so naked.
Anke: Well... actually there are very few suspects, since at the conference there aren't that many people walking around that could have stolen it.
Joe: We'll see.
Joe: Hey, Anke?
Anke: Yes?
Joe I received a job offer. A Berlin company, by the name of Berlin Translated, wants me to apply with them. I spoke with a woman from the personnel division, who was at my talk.
Anke: Interesting. Would you work for them in Berlin, or over the internet?
Joe: In Berlin.
Anke: You'd be prepared to move here for this job?
Joe: Yes, why not. I like Germany. I feel connected with the German culture and the German way of life, and I already speak German anyway.
Anke: If the job were in a small town, then would you move there?
Joe: Hmm... maybe not. Berlin IS a great city to live in.
Anke: Besides... didn't you want to stay a freelancer?
Joe: Maybe, or maybe not. As a freelancer it's hard to get a visa to come here. I'd at least like to spend every summer here, but if I can't work here then it would be difficult.
Anke: That's a big difference - only coming here for the summer or living here.
Joe: Well, I'll still apply, and then we'll see whether the company even wants me, and if yes, how much they're ready to pay as a salary.
Anke: You're keeping your options open.
Joe: Exactly. Anything else would be wrong.
Judith: Okay, talking about working in Germany, where would you find your job?
Chuck: Well, you could look in your local newspaper or also German magazines related to your industry.
Judith: Yeah, think about the companies you know that might would want to hire you. Have a look at their websites and see if they have a job section. This will be labeled “Job”, [Jobs, Karriere]
Chuck: “Career”.
Judith: Or [Stellenangebote], “job offers”.
Chuck: Even if they don’t seem to offer any suitable jobs at the moment, you might still want to send them an application.
Judith: You’d also look at online job websites. Craigslist doesn’t work for Germany. Instead, go to monster.de, that is monster dot “de”, dropscout24.de or jobpallet.de.
Chuck: If you’re looking for an unlearn job or student job, also look at job300.net, as well as store fence or university blackboards.
Judith: In any went, avoid jobs that say you can [schnell Geld machen]
Chuck: “Make money fast”. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word we shall see is?
Judith: [nackt]
Chuck: “Naked”.
Judith: [nackt, nackt]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [wenig]
Chuck: “Little”.
Judith: [wenig, wenig]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [verdächtig]
Chuck: “Suspicious”.
Judith: [verdächtig, verdächtig]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [herum]
Chuck: “Around”.
Judith: [herum, herum]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Angebot]
Chuck: “Offer”.
Judith: [Angebot, das Angebot] and the plural is [Angebote]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [erhalten]
Chuck: “To receive”.
Judith: [erhalten, erhalten]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [namens]
Chuck: “By the name of”.
Judith: [namens, namens]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Kultur]
Chuck: “Culture”.
Judith: [Kultur, die Kultur] and the plural is [Kulturen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Weise]
Chuck: “Manner” or “way”.
Judith: [Weise, die Weise] and the plural is [Weisen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Gehalt]
Chuck: “Salary”.
Judith: [Gehalt, das Gehalt] and the plural is [Gehälter]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [bereit]
Chuck: “Ready”.
Judith: [bereit, bereit]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [offen]
Chuck: “Open” or “frank”.
Judith: [offen, offen]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we’ll look at is [der Verdächtige]
Chuck: “Suspect”.
Judith: It’s a noun based on the adjective [verdächtig]
Chuck: “Suspicious”.
Judith: Similarly, you can make noun based on any adjective, for example [der Alte]
Chuck: “The old one”.
Judith: Or [die Schöne]
Chuck: “The beautiful woman”.
Judith: Next, the phrase [Sie könnten es gestohlen haben]
Chuck: “They could’ve stolen it”.
Judith: So, [könnten es gestohlen haben] “could have stolen”. Next, [über das Internet]
Chuck: “Over the internet” or “online”.
Judith: In German we always use [über] in this context, [über Telefon, Fax, Internet]
Chuck: “By phone” or “by fax”.
Judith: “By internet”. [Lebensweise]
Chuck: “The way of life”.
Judith: Yeah, [Leben] and [Weise], “the way of life”. Also [die Kleinstadt]
Chuck: “[small town]”.
Judith: [Kleinstadt], also quite obvious.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is [hin] and [her]
Judith: A lot of German verbs are prevised with prefixes [hin] or [her] for no apparent reason. If you don’t understand these, it greatly increases the amount of verbs you have to learn.
Chuck: The usage can be a bit tricky, but [her] is generally used for an action in the direction of the speaker and [hin] is used for an action in the other direction.
Judith: Like [herkommen]
Chuck: “Come to the speaker”.
Judith: [hinkommen]
Chuck: “Come elsewhere”, for example a place the speaker will be in the future.
Judith: [hingehen]
Chuck: “To go there”. [hergehen] doesn’t exist and [gehen] doesn’t imply the target.
Judith: [hersehen]
Chuck: “To look in this direction”.
Judith: Like towards me, [hersehen] and [hinsehen]
Chuck: “To look at it”. And [sehen] alone doesn’t imply the target.
Judith: [hin] and [her] also combine with other prefixes, in order to give more detailed descriptions. For example [herein]
Chuck: “Into and towards the speaker”. For example, into the house the speaker is in.
Judith: [Komm doch herein]
Chuck: [Come in]
Judith: [heraus]
Chuck: “Out and towards the speaker”. For example if the speaker is outside the house.
Judith: [hinein]
Chuck: “Into and away from the speaker”.
Judith: [hin] because the movement is away from the speaker if he’s standing outside and [ein] because you’re going inside. [hinaus]
Chuck: “Out and away from the speaker”.
Judith: [Hin] because the movement is away from the speaker if he’s inside and [aus] because he’s going out of the house. And [herum] is another such combination, it consists of [her] and [um], so you can guess that it means around something and towards the speaker.


Chuck: Well, that just about does it for today.
Judith: Attention iPhone, iPod and iPad users!
Chuck: Listen, tap and swipe your way to fluency with our German language apps.
Judith: Read your vocabulary and practice on the go with our German language applications.
Chuck: Fun and easy to use, German apps are available on iTunes.
Judith: Visit our iPhone page on GermanPod101.com/iPhone to learn more.
Chuck: Okay, see you next week!
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

