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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Season 4, Lesson 20 – “Anke to the Rescue in Germany” Hello and welcome to GermanPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I’m [Judith] and thanks again for being here with us for this Intermediate Season 4 Lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson you’ll learn how to talk about a scary event in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and Anke.
Judith: The speakers are friends therefore they’ll be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Anke: Anke Löwen.
Joe: Hallo Anke, hier ist Joe.
Anke: Hallo Joe. Du rufst nicht von deiner normalen Nummer aus an?
Joe: Nein, ich benutze mein Ersatzhandy.
Anke: Bist du nicht gerade auf der Konferenz?
Joe: Doch. Aber ich hätte gern deine Meinung zu etwas...
Anke: Ja?
Joe: Ich habe gerade meine Mails gecheckt und da war eine Nachricht von meinem Telefonanbieter, dass ich mein Guthaben verbraucht habe und wieder aufladen muss.
Anke: Ja und?
Joe: Ich habe gestern früh mein iPhone verloren und die Mail ist von heute Mittag. Es ist möglich, dass sie die Mail einfach sehr spät verschickt haben...
Anke: Joe, diese Mails gehen wahrscheinlich automatisch raus. Ich denke, dass jemand dein Handy hat und seit gestern auf deine Kosten telefoniert. Deshalb hast du heute die Nachricht gekriegt.
Joe: Du meinst, jemand hat es geklaut?
Anke: Na ja, entweder er hat es geklaut, oder er hat es gefunden und dir nicht zurückgegeben. Es kommt auf das Gleiche hinaus.
Joe: Sch... ! Was mache ich jetzt?
Anke: Also ich würde zur Polizei gehen, und ihnen den Diebstahl melden. Wenn du willst, komme ich mit.
Joe: Mensch, Anke, das wäre super nett von dir!
Anke: Im Moment ist die Innenstadt voll, also werde ich nicht mit dem Auto fahren. Treffen wir uns an der Straßenbahnhaltestelle vor dem Konferenzgebäude? In einer halben Stunde?
Joe: Ja, geht klar. Vielen Dank!
Anke: Kein Problem.
Anke: Anke Löwen.
Joe: Hello Anke, this is Joe.
Anke: Hello Joe. You're not calling me from your normal number?
Joe: No, I'm using my spare phone.
Anke: Aren't you at the conference right now?
Joe: That's right, I am. But I'd like your opinion on something...
Anke: Yes?
Joe: I just checked my email and there was a message from my phone service provider saying that I used up my credit and I have to refill it.
Anke: Yes, and?
Joe: I lost my iPhone yesterday morning and the message is from noon today. It's possible that they just sent the message really late...
Anke: Joe, these emails are probably sent out automatically. I think that someone has your phone and has been calling on your dime since yesterday. That's why you got the message today.
Joe: You think someone stole it?
Anke: Well, either he stole it, or he found it and didn't give it back. It's the same result either way.
Joe: Sh...! What do I do now?
Anke: Well I would go to the police and report the theft to them. If you want, I'll come with you.
Joe: Man, Anke, that would be really nice of you!
Anke: At the moment, the inner city is full, so I won't take the car. Shall we meet at the tram stop in front of the conference building? In a half hour?
Joe: Yes, alright. Thanks a lot!
Anke: No problem.
Judith: Okay, now what about these words like [Handy]? Aren’t they cute?
Chuck: Yeah. I think we could call them [Denglish].
Judith: Yes, that’s the word [Denglish], English words that German is adapting right now like [Meeting, checken, Handy].
Chuck: Is there a difference between saying [Meeting] and [Treffen], for example?
Judith: Yeah, [Meeting] is only business meetings, for other meetings we use the word [Treffen].
Chuck: Oh, okay.
Judith: This use of [Denglisch] is really rampant when it comes to business, you know, all the companies want to sound cool, so they don’t have a [Treffen], they have a [Meeting].
Chuck: Yeah, [es ist sehr trendy jetzt].
Judith: The tricky part is that Germans will argue about gender of words and also what plural they should have. Very often they’ll just use the English plural, minus the rules that Germans can’t remember. For example [Hobby] becomes [Hobbys] in German but spelled with the “ys”.
Chuck: However, other words have familiar endings which these already rule in German, these are behaving according that rule, for example [Investor, Investoren].
Judith: There’s a lot of fake English in German, too. Everyone will tell you that these words are English, but you may have never heard of them before or at least not with that meaning.
Chuck: Yeah, I remember my last travel in [Heilbronn], my boss asked me “Could you bring me the beamer?” The beamer? What do you want, I don’t think that’s kind of star trek device, well it is a research university after all.
Judith: It’s a projector! In German it’s Projektor.
Chuck: Yeah, he just tells me “It’s an English word, isn’t it?”
Judith: Yeah. I think call shop is another one of these. Call shop is a place to make cheap phone calls to other country, like a shop that specializes in selling you phone calls and cellphone, of course, [Handy].
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word we shall see is?
Judith: [normal]
Chuck: “Normal” or “ordinary”.
Judith: [normal, normal]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Ersatz]
Chuck: “Replacement”.
Judith: [Ersatz, der Ersatz]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Meinung]
Chuck: “Opinion”.
Judith: [Meinung, die Meinung] and the plural is [Meinungen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [checken]
Chuck: “To check” or slang for “to understand”.
Judith: [checken, checken]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Nachricht]
Chuck: “Message” or “news”.
Judith: [Nachricht, die Nachricht] and the plural is [Nachrichten].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Guthaben]
Chuck: “Credit” or “balance”.
Judith: [Guthaben, das Guthaben]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [verbrauchen]
Chuck: “To consume, spend” or “use up”.
Judith: [verbrauchen, verbrauchen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [aufladen]
Chuck: “To charge, recharge” or “load up”.
Judith: [aufladen, aufladen, Er lädt auf, Er lud auf, Er hat aufgeladen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [telefonieren]
Chuck: “To phone”.
Judith: [telefonieren, telefonieren]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [klauen]
Chuck: “To steal” or “swap something”.
Judith: [klauen, klauen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [entweder oder]
Chuck: “Either, or”.
Judith: [entweder oder, entweder oder]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Diebstahl]
Chuck: “Theft”.
Judith: [Diebstahl, der Diebstahl] and the plural is [Diebstähle]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [melden]
Chuck: “To report, notify” or “message”.
Judith: [melden, melden]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Straßenbahn]
Chuck: “Tram” or “light rail”.
Judith: [Straßenbahn, die Straßenbahn] and the plural is [Straßenbahnen]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we’ll look at is [Anbieter]
Chuck: “Provider”.
Judith: It’s based on the word [anbieten]
Chuck: “To offer”.
Judith: You already know this verb. It’s not one of these cases where we add “er” in order to talk about a person that does something, so [Anbieter] is someone who offers. In English we’d call them a provider, though. For example [der Telefonanbieter], “the telephone provider at the telephone company”. Next, the phrase [auf deine Kosten]
Chuck: It’s a said expression meaning “At your expense”.
Judith: [kosten] obviously relates to “cost”, so we’re literally saying “at your costs”. Then, the expression [Es kommt auf das Gleiche hinaus] it’s a German idiom meaning it demands to the same thing. Instead of [kommen], you can also use [laufen] here for the same meaning [Es läuft auf dasselbe hinaus]
Chuck: That also means about the same thing.
Judith: It demands the same thing.
Chuck: Yep.
Judith: Okay, finally [Innenstadt]
Chuck: “Intercity”.
Judith: It’s a compound noun. It consists of [Innen]
Chuck: “Interior” or “inside”.
Judith: And [Stadt]
Chuck: “City”.
Judith: So it’s rather obvious. [Innenstadt], “inner city”.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is word order of objects.
Judith: It’s time for truly in depth look at German word order. Today, we shall look at objects.
Chuck: The default place for dative objects or indirect objects is right after the verb and accusative objects or direct objects go right after.
Judith: For example [Ich gebe dir ein Geschenk].
Chuck: “I give you a present.” Or “I give a present to you.”
Judith: This default praise is already upset if there’s already something other than the subject at the beginning of a sentence, because the verb always goes in second place and this means that the subject will have to make [do] with the place right after the verb. The object or objects then follow after the subject, in fourth place, like [deshalb gebe ich dir ein Geschenk]
Chuck: “That’s why I’m giving you a present.” If there are two objects in a sentence, one indirect and one direct, it’s also customary to place adverbials in between. If you want to mention a time or place or way of doing things, put it between one object or another, for example.
Judith: [Ich gebe dir morgen auf der Arbeit überraschend ein Geschenk].
Chuck: “I will unexpectedly give you a present tomorrow at work.” Another matter is when people decide to move objects on their own for emphasis. The two most attention grabbing parts of the German sense with the very beginning and the very end.
Judith: If the most important part of the sentence is the object, there’s nothing preventing you from putting it at the beginning. [Dir gebe ich dir morgen ein Geschenk]
Chuck: “I would give you a present tomorrow.”
Judith: Or [Dein Geschenk gebe ich dir morgen]
Chuck: “I will give you your present tomorrow.”
Judith: As you’ve written a lot of German or speak it a lot with native speakers, these kinds of changes in word order will start to come naturally. Until then you have to pay attention to how Germans phrase things.


Chuck: That just about does it for today!
Judith: Get instant access to all of our language learning lesson.
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Chuck: Or skip around to different levels. It’s up to you.
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Chuck: We hope you enjoyed this lesson, see you next week!
Judith: [Wir hoffen, euch das diese Lektion gefallen, bis nächste Woche]!

