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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Series, Season 4, Lesson 2 – “Planning a Flight to Germany”.
Judith: Hello everyone. I’m Judith and welcome to GermanPod101.com.
Chuck: With us, you’ll learn how to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson you’ll learn how to discuss flight plans.
Judith: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Chuck: This conversation is between Joe and Anke.
Judith: The speakers are friends therefore they will be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
A: Anke Löwen.
J: Ja, hallo Anke, hier ist nochmal Joe.
A: Hallo Joe...
J: Störe ich gerade?
A: Ich bin gerade beim Kochen, aber ein bisschen Zeit habe ich.
J: Okay, dann mache ich's kurz. Ich habe jetzt meinen Flug.
A: Ah, sehr gut. Wann kommst du hierhin?
J: Am dritten August. Wenn alles gut geht, landet mein Flugzeug um 18.26 Uhr in Berlin.
A: An welchem Flughafen? Berlin-Tegel?
J: Ja, Berlin-Tegel.
A: Ist das ein Direktflug aus Washington oder steigst du irgendwo um?
J: Ich steige in Paris um... der Flughafen dort heißt Charles de Gaulle.
A: Ja, das ist der große Pariser Flughafen.
J: Warst du schon einmal dort? Wie ist dieser Flughafen?
A: Paris ist eine wunderschöne Stadt, aber der Flughafen ist nichts Besonderes. Irgendwie sind alle Flughäfen gleich.
J: Stimmt.
A: Wenn du da ankommst, dann lass dir direkt von irgendjemandem den Weg zeigen. In diesem Flughafen kann man sich verlaufen.
J: Mhmm. Ich habe drei Stunden Zeit bis zu meinem nächsten Flug. Das ist genug Zeit, um sich zu verlaufen und den Weg wieder zu finden. Irgendetwas muss ich doch in der Zeit tun.
A: Okay, wie du willst. Schickst du mir eine SMS, falls dein Flug Verspätung hat?
J: Na klar.
A: Toll! Ich freue mich schon darauf, mit dir zu plaudern.
J: Ich auch, und ich freue mich darauf, wieder in Berlin zu sein. Die Stadt ist einfach toll!
A: Okay, dann bis bald!
J: Bis bald!
A: Anke Löwen.
J: Yes, hello Anke, it's Joe again.
A: Hello Joe...
J: Am I interrupting?
A: I'm currently cooking, but I have a bit of time.
J: Okay, then I'll make it short. I have my flight now.
A: Ah, great. When are you coming here?
J: On August 3rd. If all goes well, my plane will land at 6:26pm in Berlin.
A: At which airport? Berlin-Tegel?
J: Yes, Berlin-Tegel.
A: Is it a direct flight from Washington, or are you transfering somewhere?
J: I'm transfering in Paris... the airport there is called Charles de Gaulle
A: Yes, that's the big Paris airport.
J: Have you been there? What's this airport like?
A: Paris is a gorgeous city, but the airport is nothing special. Somehow all airports are the same.
J: It's true.
A: When you arrive there, then get directions from somebody right away. You can get lost in that airport.
J: Mhmm. I have 3 hours until my next flight. That's enough time to get lost and then find my way again. I'll have to do something with my time.
A: Okay, whatever you want. Will you send me an SMS if your flight is delayed?
J: Sure.
A: Great! I look forward to chatting with you.
J: Me too, and I'm looking forward to being back in Berlin again. The city is simply great!
A: Okay, then until soon!
J: Until soon!
Judith: So, we were talking about Paris Airports. How about the airports in Germany?
Chuck: Well, this is something I know about. The two biggest airports are Frankfurt [am Main] and Düsseldorf. Don’t confuse Frankfurt [am Main] with Frankfurt [an der Oder], the latter is a rather small city in the very East of Germany, Frankfurt [am Main] is abbreviated Frankfurt a.M. when necessary.
Judith: Berlin, Munich and Hamburg also have big international airports of course. But not as many intercontinental flights arrive there directly.
Chuck: You might find that your flight from the States to Berlin actually goes to Düsseldorf or Frankfurt [am Main] and you have to take a national flight to Berlin from there.
Judith: As for airlines, [Lufthansa] is probably the biggest German airline. There’s smaller ones as well thought and there are lots of cheap airlines that you can take advantage of when in Europe.
Chuck: Companies like Air Berlin, Ryan Air, Easy Jet, Sky Europe, Wiz Air, German Wings and of course The Holiday Airlines also offer very good deals for those who want to see other European cities as well.
Judith: The only drawback is that these cheap airlines typically fly into tiny airports that are not as conveniently located as the major ones. And you’ll probably spend more time and money on the transportation into the city center.
Chuck: For example, if you fly to Frankfurt you’ll be taking a two hour bus just to get to the main train station.
Judith: Frankfurt is extreme.
Chuck: Get in London, if you get one of those outer-airports you might pay 25 pounds or around, say 54 dollars just to get to the city center.
Judith: Germany is a great place to visit just about every time of the year except January-February, that is unless you go to a sky resort.
Chuck: Winters can be quite cold in January here. But in November and December, it’s offset by numerous unique traditions, like the [Saint Martin] parades, the Christmas markets, mulled wine and other specialties which you can only experience at that time of the year.
Judith: Another very interesting time to visit Germany is the Carnival, like during [Mardi Gra] in Louisiana large parts of Germany are a special place during the Carnival week.
Chuck: And of course, there’s Oktoberfest which is however [pearly] but very in tradition. And when the days are warmer and there are no special activities inside, it’s the best time to go sightseeing. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word we shall look at is?
Judith: [stören].
Chuck: “To disturb”.
Judith: [stören].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [kochen].
Chuck: “To cook”.
Judith: [kochen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Flug].
Chuck: “Flight”.
Judith: [Flug, der Flug] and the plural is [Flüge].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [landen].
Chuck: “To land”.
Judith: [landen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Flughafen].
Chuck: “Airport”.
Judith: [Flughafen, der Flughafen] and the plural is [Flughäfen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [direkt].
Chuck: “Direct” or “directly”.
Judith: [direkt].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [besonders, besonderer].
Chuck: “Especially” or “special”.
Judith: [besonders, besonderer].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [gleich].
Chuck: “Equal, immediately” or “shortly”.
Judith: [gleich].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Weg].
Chuck: “Way” or “path”.
Judith: [Weg, der Weg] and the plural is [Wege].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [sich].
Chuck: “Oneself, themselves” or “each other”.
Judith: [sich].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [sich verlaufen].
Chuck: “To get lost”.
Judith: [sich verlaufen, Er verläuft sich], so this is a vowel changing verb.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [falls].
Chuck: “If”.
Judith: [falls].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [schicken].
Chuck: “To send”.
Judith: [schicken].
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we’ll look at is [beim sein].
Chuck: “To be doing something”.
Judith: You’ll note that in German there’s no difference between saying “I cook” or “I am cooking”, just from the verb you can’t tell if someone does something regularly is doing it right now. So, when it becomes important to indicate that you’re in the middle of something, you can use [beim sein]. For example: [beim Kochen sein].
Chuck: “To be in the middle of cooking”.
Judith: [Beim Essen sein].
Chuck: “To be in the middle of a meal”.
Judith: And so on. There’s also [freuen auf], we already had [freuen] in sentences like [Es freut mich].
Chuck: “It pleases me” or “it makes me happy”.
Judith: However, there’s another really common use of this verb. This is the form [Ich freue mich auf].
Chuck: It means “I’m looking forward to”.
Judith: The [auf] is vital here. It’s like “I’m being happy in anticipation of”. Okay, one another thing [Direktflug] means “direct flight”. In German, this is expressed as one word, we don’t say [ein direkter Flug], but [ein Direktflug] and [besonders] means “especially”, but it also has an adjective form which is [besonderer, besondere, besonderes], this adjective means “special”.
Chuck: [Einmal] as one word it basically means the same as same [ein Mal] which would be two words, so it means “one time” or “once”. However, it also means “some time” or “ever”.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is the prefix [irgend].
Judith: When talking about somebody, something, sometime and somewhere in German you need the prefix [irgend]. This prefix combines with various question words to form indefinite words.
Chuck: A great way to save you when you don’t remember enough German words.
Judith: Like [irgendwo].
Chuck: “Somewhere”.
Judith: [irgendwo hin].
Chuck: “To some place”.
Judith: [irgendwann].
Chuck: “Sometime”.
Judith: [irgendwie].
Chuck: “Somehow”.
Judith: [irgendjemand] or colloquially [irgendwer].
Chuck: “Somebody”.
Judith: [irgendetwas] or colloquially [irgendwas].
Chuck: “Something” it’s not the indefinite though.
Judith: There’s also [irgendein].
Chuck: “Some” or “any” [irgendein] is used in the same way as the word [ein].
Judith: For example [irgendein Restaurant hat dann bestimmt offen].
Chuck: “There’s certainly some restaurants opened then.”
Judith: The word [ein] doesn’t have a plural, so for plural we use [irgendwelche, irgendwelche Restaurants haben dann bestimmt offen].


Chuck: “There’re certainly some restaurants that are opened then.” That just about does it for today!
Judith: Want a free way to build your German vocabulary?
Chuck: Follow our German word of the day at GermanPod101.com.
Judith: See and hear the word of the day.
Chuck: Plus simple phrases and sentences.
Judith: Get these daily vocabulary alerts on Facebook, Twitter and the GermanPod101.com blog.
Chuck: And add this widget to your own website or blog. They’re available in 35 languages.
Judith: Get these easy instructions at GermanPod101.com/german-phrases.
Chuck: We hope you enjoyed this lesson. See you next week!
Judith: [Wir hoffen, euch hat diese Lektion gefallen. Bis nächste Woche]!

