
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Series Season 2, Lesson 16. The passive, part two. Do you think you’ll be fired? Hello and welcome to GermanPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I'm Judith and thanks again for being here with us for this Intermediate Season 2 lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to use the passive voice and other tenses. Today’s conversation takes place at a German home.
Judith: The conversation is between Mike and his German friend.
Chuck: The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informal German. Now, if you’re listening on an iPod…
Judith: Or an iPod Touch or iPhone.
Chuck: Click the center button of the iPod or tap the screen on an iPod Touch or iPhone to see the notes for this lesson while you listen.
Judith: Read along while you listen.
Chuck: This technique will help you remember faster. Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
D: Mike?
A: Ja?
D: Wo siehst du dich in 20 Jahren?
A: Was meinst du, wo sehe ich mich?
D: Was denkst du wirst du in 20 Jahren machen? Was für einen Job wirst du haben? Willst du bis ans Ende deines Lebens Englisch unterrichten?
A: Hmm, darüber habe ich mir noch keine Gedanken gemacht. Ich denke, dass ich es abwarten werde. Man kann es schwer vorhersagen, es kann so viel passieren...
D: Denkst du, dass du entlassen werden wirst?
A: Nein, aber innerhalb von 20 Jahren werde ich bestimmt mehrmals befördert werden, oder vielleicht werden meine Interessen sich verändern... oder vielleicht wird es einen neuen Weltkrieg geben und die ganze Welt wird zerstört werden.
D: Du machst Witze!
Judith: Now read slowly.
D: Mike?
A: Ja?
D: Wo siehst du dich in 20 Jahren?
A: Was meinst du, wo sehe ich mich?
D: Was denkst du wirst du in 20 Jahren machen? Was für einen Job wirst du haben? Willst du bis ans Ende deines Lebens Englisch unterrichten?
A: Hmm, darüber habe ich mir noch keine Gedanken gemacht. Ich denke, dass ich es abwarten werde. Man kann es schwer vorhersagen, es kann so viel passieren...
D: Denkst du, dass du entlassen werden wirst?
A: Nein, aber innerhalb von 20 Jahren werde ich bestimmt mehrmals befördert werden, oder vielleicht werden meine Interessen sich verändern... oder vielleicht wird es einen neuen Weltkrieg geben und die ganze Welt wird zerstört werden.
D: Du machst Witze!
Judith: Now with the translation. Mit Übersetzung.
D: Mike?
D: Mike?
A: Ja?
A: Yes?
D: Wo siehst du dich in 20 Jahren?
D: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
A: Was meinst du, wo sehe ich mich?
A: What do you mean, where do I see myself?
D: Was denkst du wirst du in 20 Jahren machen? Was für einen Job wirst du haben? Willst du bis ans Ende deines Lebens Englisch unterrichten?
D: What do you think you will do in 20 years? What kind of job will you have? Do you want to teach English until the end of your life?
A: Hmm, darüber habe ich mir noch keine Gedanken gemacht. Ich denke, dass ich es abwarten werde. Man kann es schwer vorhersagen, es kann so viel passieren...
A: Hmm, I haven't given any thought to that. I think that I will wait it out. You can hardly predict it, so many things can happen…
D: Denkst du, dass du entlassen werden wirst?
D: Do you think that you will be laid off?
A: Nein, aber innerhalb von 20 Jahren werde ich bestimmt mehrmals befördert werden, oder vielleicht werden meine Interessen sich verändern... oder vielleicht wird es einen neuen Weltkrieg geben und die ganze Welt wird zerstört werden.
A: No, but within 20 years I will certainly be promoted several times, or maybe my interests will change... or maybe there will be another world war and the entire world will be destroyed.
D: Du machst Witze!
D: You're joking!
Chuck: So today’s cultural point is on destroying the world?
Judith: No, today’s cultural point is about the future of Germany.
Chuck: Ah, that’s a better topic. I think we always pick your topic, don’t we?
Judith: Well, if they’re better. You can already see that the population will be rapidly growing older because Germans don’t have many children anymore, only immigrants have many children.
Chuck: The pension system can’t deal with it. It will need a lot of reform or a lot of immigration.
Judith: Yeah, this is a major problem. People have been trying to find solutions or to reform it. Also the healthcare system. Another thing is that Germany will have to get involved in more military missions. I mean, originally, after the war, Germany wasn’t allowed to use its army for anything other than defense and the NATO was content to have German money, doctors or engineers. Recently, however, Germany has had to send combat troops to Macedonia, Kosovo and Afghanistan.
Chuck: In fact, more and more laws will be initiated by the EU thinking on a supernational level. Already a lot of Germans consider themselves Europeans or world citizens more than they consider themselves Germans. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: [Leben]
Chuck: Life.
Judith: [Leben, Leben, das Leben] this is neutral. And the plural is the same. [Gedanke]
Chuck: Thought.
Judith: [Gedanke, Gedanke, der Gedanke] this is masculine, and the plural is [Gedanken]. [Abwarten]
Chuck: “To await” or “wait off”.
Judith: [Abwarten, Abwarten] the [Ab] splits off. [Passieren]
Chuck: To happen.
Judith: [Passieren, passieren] [Innerhalb]
Chuck: Within.
Judith: [Innerhalb, innerhalb] [Mehrmals]
Chuck: Several times.
Judith: [Mehrmals, mehrmals] [Befördern]
Chuck: “To promote”, “to forward” or “to handle”.
Judith: [Befördern, befördern] [Interesse]
Chuck: Interest.
Judith: [Interesse, Interesse, das Interesse] this is neuter. And the plural is [Interessen].[Verändern]
Chuck: To change.
Judith: [Verändern, verändern] [Welt]
Chuck: World.
Judith: [Welt, die Welt] this is feminine. [Krieg]
Chuck: War.
Judith: [Krieg, Krieg, der Krieg] this is masculine. [Zerstören]
Chuck: To destroy.
Judith: [Zerstören, zerstören] [Witz]
Chuck: Joke.
Judith: [Witz, Witz, der Witz] this is masculine, and the plural is [Witze].
Chuck: Let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we’ll look at is [Vorhersagen]. Do you recall the word [Wettervorhersage]?
Chuck: Weather forecast?
Judith: The [Vorhersage] means “prediction”. And you can even see it from the parts - [Vorher].
Chuck: Before.
Judith: And [Sagen].
Chuck: To say.
Judith: So [Vorhersagen], as a verb means “to predict”. Another word is [Bis ans Ende deines Lebens].
Chuck: Until the end of your life.
Judith: Memorize this structure because you can form a lot of similar phrases. For example, you will often hear [Bis ans Ende der Welt].
Chuck: To the end of the world.
Judith: Tokyo Hotel used this any many other similar phrases in their song [Durch den Monsun].
Chuck: Look for the Intermediate Music Lesson in which we studied that song.
Judith: Last word usage point for today is the word [Innerhalb].
Chuck: Within.
Judith: Be careful with this one because you always need to add [Von] afterwards or use the genitive. For example, [Innerhalb von sieben Tagen].
Chuck: Within seven days.
Judith: [Innerhalb der Sprechstunden]
Chuck: During consultation hours.

Lesson focus

Chuck: In the last lesson, we had a first look at the passive voice. At that time, we only had present tense forms. Now it’s time to look at how the passive works for other tenses. Are you ready?
Judith: First, it is still formed with the verb [Werden]. However, the rule is to form whatever tense you need with the verb [Werden] and then add the past participle of the verb that you actually meant to use. Some examples in different tenses, with active equivalents. First, [Das Museum wird eröffnet. Er eröffnet das Museum].
Chuck: The museum is being opened. He is opening the museum.
Judith: [Das Museum wird eröffnet werden. Er wird dass Museum eröffnen]
Chuck: The museum will be opened. He will open the museum.
Judith: [Das Museum wurde eröffnet. Er eröffnete das Museum]
Chuck: The museum was opened. He opened the museum.
Judith: [Das Museum ist eröffnet worden. Er hat das Museum eröffnet].
Chuck: The museum has been opened. He has opened the museum.
Judith: In today’s dialogue, we saw several forms in the future tense. For example, [Du wirst entlassen werden].
Chuck: You’ll be fired.
Judith: [Ich werde befördert werden].
Chuck: I will be promoted.
Judith: And [Die Welt wird zerstört werden].
Chuck: “The world will be destroyed.”


Chuck: Well, it just about does it for today. Testing yourself is one of the most effective ways to learn.
Judith: That’s why we have three types of quizzes.
Chuck: Vocabulary, grammar and content specific.
Judith: Each quiz targets a specific skill…
Chuck: And together, these quizzes will help you master several fundamental skills.
Judith: You can find them in the Learning Center at…
Chuck: GermanPod101.com. So, see you next week!
Judith: Bis nächste Woche!

