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Let’s take a closer look at each of these expressions.
First, do you remember how Karen says,
"See you soon."
Bis bald!
This starts with bis, which means something like “until” in this context. Bis. Bis.
Next is bald, "soon." Bald. Bald.
Together, bis bald means something like "until soon," but translates as "See you soon.”
Bis bald!
Bis bald is fairly informal, which indicates a close relationship between Karen and Miriam Müller her former homestay mother.
Do you remember how Sasha says,
"Good night."
Gute Nacht. "Good night." Gute Nacht.
Gute Nacht literally means "good night." Gute Nacht.
Gute Nacht.
Sasha uses this expression when saying Good night to Chiara.
You use gute Nacht, "good night," when you don’t plan on seeing someone again that night and often when someone is about to go to bed. In this case, it’s like saying "have a good night's sleep."
Do you remember how Ben says,
Auf Wiedersehen
This expression starts with auf, which means "until" in this context. Auf. Auf.
Next is Wiedersehen. "See again." Wiedersehen. Wiedersehen.
Together it’s auf Wiedersehen, literally "until [we] see [each other] again," but it translates as "goodbye." Auf Wiedersehen.
Auf Wiedersehen is suitable for formal situations; for example, Ben uses this expression since Miriam Müller is older than him.
However, it can also be used between friends and family members.
Do you remember how Miriam says?
"See you!"
Bis dann! "See you!" Bis dann!
First is bis, "until." Bis.
After this is dann, meaning "then." Dann. Dann.
Together, bis dann, literally, "until then," but translates as "See you."
Bis dann!
Bis dann is an informal parting greeting, and you should avoid using it in formal situations. Miriam uses this to say goodbye to everyone. She's the most senior person in the conversation, and she uses informal language to sound friendly.
Bis is in the following expressions:
bis bald, literally, "until soon," but translates as "See you soon," and
bis dann, literally, "until then," but translates as "see you."
It also is used in many other parting greetings.
Bis morgen. Literally, "until tomorrow," but translates as "See you tomorrow." Bis Morgen.
Bis später. Literally, "until later," but translates as "See you later." Bis später.
Bis heute Abend. Literally, "until today evening," but translates as “See you tonight.” Bis heute Abend.
You can create many expressions using the following pattern:
Bis plus [a later point in time, such as tonight, Friday, next week, etc.].
Until [a later point in time, such as tonight, Friday, next week, etc.]
You should be aware of these commonly used expressions, but you won’t need them for this lesson.

