
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: This is Beginner series, lesson 5.
Judith: [Willkommen zurück]
Chuck: Welcome back.
Judith: How is Your German Today?
Chuck: Do you have the impression that you can say more and more things in German.
Judith: Then you are right because with every lesson, you become more familiar with German even if it happens unconsciously.
Chuck: If you consciously want to learn German and see your progress, here is the word bank in the learning center. It will keep track of all the vocabulary you need to learn. It will remind you of the words you keep forgetting and will help you commit them to memory.
Judith: Of course every bit of exposure to German helps. For this reason, you should also listen to last year’s newbie and beginner series if you haven’t done so already and don’t leave out any chance to actually use your German for example in the germanpod101 forums.
Chuck: Meanwhile we will of course help you develop your active German skills. In this lesson, we will learn the complete conjugation of the verb [sein] to be in the present tense.
Judith: Let’s start with the dialogue. In the last lesson, Maria just asked the policeman to let her go. She said [Dann lassen Sie mich bitte gehen]. Now here is what happens next.
P: Was machen Sie dann?
M: Ich gehe nach Hause und koche etwas. Es ist schon Nachmittag.
P: Sind Sie verheiratet?
M: Nein, aber ich wohne bei meinem Freund. Wir sind schon seit zwei Jahren zusammen.
P: Seid ihr beide Schriftsteller?
Judith: Now slowly, jetzt langsam.
P: Was machen Sie dann?
M: Ich gehe nach Hause und koche etwas. Es ist schon Nachmittag.
P: Sind Sie verheiratet?
M: Nein, aber ich wohne bei meinem Freund. Wir sind schon seit zwei Jahren zusammen.
P: Seid Ihr beide Schriftsteller?
Judith: Now read with the translation.
P: Was machen Sie dann?
P: What are you going to do then?
M: Ich gehe nach Hause und koche etwas. Es ist schon Nachmittag.
M: I will go home and cook something. It's already afternoon.
P: Sind Sie verheiratet?
P: Are you married?
M: Nein, aber ich wohne bei meinem Freund. Wir sind schon seit zwei Jahren zusammen.
M: No, but I live with my boyfriend. We have been together for two years already.
P: Seid Ihr beide Schriftsteller?
P: Are both of you writers?
Judith: Ok Vokabeln, vocabulary.
Judith: First word [Machen]
Chuck: To make or do.
Judith: [Machen, Machen] Next [Nach hause]
Chuck: Home like to go home.
Judith: Yeah direction [Nach Hause] Next [Und]
Chuck: And
Judith: [Und] Next [Kochen]
Chuck: To cook
Judith: [Kochen, Kochen] Next [Etwas]
Chuck: Something.
Judith: [Etwas, Etwas] Next [Schon]
Chuck: Already.
Judith: [Schon] Next [Nachmittag]
Chuck: Afternoon.
Judith: [Nachmittag, Nachmittag]. This word is masculine [Der Nachmittag] and the plural is [Nachmittage]. Next [Verheiratet]
Chuck: Married.
Judith: [Verheiratet, Verheiratet] Next [Bei]
Chuck: At or with.
Judith: [Bei] Next [Freund]
Chuck: Friend
Judith: [Freund] Masculine, [Der Freund] plural is [Freunde] and if you want to talk about a female friend, then you should say [Freundin]
Chuck: Yeah notice the difference between the pleural and the female. Could you repeat them?
Judith: [Freunde] Next [Wir]
Chuck: We
Judith: [Wir]
Chuck: We.
Judith: Next [Zusammen]
Chuck: Together
Judith: [Zusammen, Zusammen] Next [Beide]
Chuck: Both
Judith: [Beide]
Chuck: So Maria will eat in the afternoon. Is that late for lunch or early for dinner?
Judith: It’s hard to say because the traditional lunch time in Germany is from 12 to 2 PM and the traditional dinner time somewhere between 6 and 8 PM. So if she eats like 4 or something in the afternoon, then, it’s between those traditional times and it’s actually more and more people deviate from this traditional set up but I think she said she wanted to cook something and that would indicate she is having lunch because German dinner typically is not 1.
Chuck: You will notice that it is a bit strange when you first come over to Germany because typically your lunch meal is in the middle of the day and your small meal is in the evening.
Judith: And breakfast also is small and not cooked typically.
Chuck: Yeah.
Judith: Well here is a couple of things that you should probably know if you are going to stay with the German family or even just visiting one time. One thing is that families tend to have meals together. So they all sit at the same table and they typically don’t eat on the side like well watching TV or something else.
Chuck: Yeah and I also noticed that when – right before you start eating, you will say [Guten Appetit]. So you don’t just dig into your meal.
Judith: [Guten Appetit] means I wish you have a good appetite as in I wish you enjoy your meal. If somebody says that to you, you just answer [Guten Appetit] or you can answer [Danke, gleichfalls]. So thanks, same to you.
Chuck: Yeah and actually most countries in Europe, they have something that they say like this before they eat and they will often ask you, how do you say that in English and you are just like, well, we don’t actually.
Judith: Something you should also notice that some people will pray before the meal but it’s comparatively few families.
Chuck: And also be sure to wait until everyone has their meal before you start eating.
Judith: Yes just assume it’s going to be like this and if it’s different, if people wanted to start, they will tell you.
Chuck: Yeah and also don’t get up immediately after you are done because you don’t want to rush people.

Lesson focus

Judith: Yes if you are getting up, then it feels rushed. All right, now I have some grammar for you. Today, we will talk about the irregular verb [Sein]
Chuck: That sounds like one of the most important verbs there is.
Judith: It’s the most important verb means to be.
Chuck: So you better pay attention.
Judith: Yeah [Sein] is the German equivalent of to be. So actually in Shakespeare, you have [Sein oder nicht sein] in German.
Chuck: [Das ist die Frage oder?]
Judith: Yes. That’s the question. [Sein oder nicht sein, das ist die Frage] Just like in English, this verb is irregular unfortunately but yeah. It’s in all languages. So here are the forms and you have seen some of them before because we used them in the previous lessons [Ich bin]
Chuck: I am
Judith: [Du bist]
Chuck: You are, informally.
Judith: [Er, sie oder es ist]
Chuck: He, she or it is
Judith: [Wir sind]
Chuck: We are
Judith: [Ihr seid]
Chuck: You are, plural.
Judith: [Sie sind]
Chuck: They are.
Judith: What was the capital letter [Sie sind?]
Chuck: You are formally.
Judith: So the English word You can actually mean three different things in German. One is the [Sie] that we’ve had in the dialogues throughout this series so far with a capital S. It’s the formal way of addressing people. Another thing is the [Du]. You can translate You as [Du]. That’s the informal way of addressing people which you only use with relatives, close friends and children. And the third possibility is that it might mean ihr. Ihr is used to address several people.
Chuck: So if you meet a nice German woman in the club, you can ask [Sind Sie verheiratet?]
Judith: Are you married?
Chuck: However if she is around your age and not too old, you could choose informal German instead and ask, [Bist du verheiratet?]
Judith: Same thing but informally.
Chuck: If there is more than one nice German woman you are talking to, you could ask [Seid ihr verheiratet?]
Judith: Is that all you can think of Chuck? I mean, there is other reasons to learn German you know.
Chuck: Of course there are but you stucked it with my script. So I had to say it. Any way I’d like to hear why our listeners are learning German.
Judith: That would interest me as well.


Chuck: So please go to the forum now, introduce yourself and tell us why you are learning German.
Judith: Alright if it’s a secret, you can also let us know in an email.
Chuck: Sshhh right contact us at germanpod101.com
Judith: Any way, we would be glad to hear from you.
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: [Bis nächste Woche]

