
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson #30. This Dissatisfaction Could Compel You To Do Something Different in Germany! Hello and welcome to season 2 of the beginner series at germanpod101.
Judith: Here you can learn basic German while having fun.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to express dissatisfaction in German.
Judith: The conversation takes place at a Berlin souvenir shop.
Chuck: The conversation is between two American tourists Caroline and Martin. The speakers are friends. Therefore they will be speaking informal German. Attention listeners! Comment.
Judith: Comment,
Chuck: And comment some more.
Judith: It’s easy.
Chuck: And asking questions really helps improve progress. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Caroline: Ja, wir können gehen, dieser Laden ist doof.
Martin: Wieso? Wieso ist der Laden doof?
Caroline: Es gibt nichts für mich. Ich suche schon die ganze Zeit nach einem neuen T-Shirt, und ich kann einfach keins finden.
Martin: Da drüben sehe ich viele schöne T-Shirts mit Bildern von Berlin, und auch ohne, in vielen verschiedenen Farben...
Caroline: Ja, aber die sind alle zu klein. Ich brauche XXL.
Martin: Es gibt kein XXL? Sollen wir einen Verkäufer mal fragen?
Caroline: Nein, ich kenne die Antwort schon. Es ist schon okay. Lass uns einen anderen Laden finden, vielleicht haben wir da mehr Glück.
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
Caroline: Ja, wir können gehen, dieser Laden ist doof.
Martin: Wieso? Wieso ist der Laden doof?
Caroline: Es gibt nichts für mich. Ich suche schon die ganze Zeit nach einem neuen T-Shirt, und ich kann einfach keins finden.
Martin: Da drüben sehe ich viele schöne T-Shirts mit Bildern von Berlin, und auch ohne, in vielen verschiedenen Farben...
Caroline: Ja, aber die sind alle zu klein. Ich brauche XXL.
Martin: Es gibt kein XXL? Sollen wir einen Verkäufer mal fragen?
Caroline: Nein, ich kenne die Antwort schon. Es ist schon okay. Lass uns einen anderen Laden finden, vielleicht haben wir da mehr Glück.
Judith: Now with the translation.
Caroline: Ja, wir können gehen, dieser Laden ist doof.
Caroline: Yes, we can go, this shop is stupid.
Martin: Wieso? Wieso ist der Laden doof?
Martin: Why? Why is the shop stupid?
Caroline: Es gibt nichts für mich. Ich suche schon die ganze Zeit nach einem neuen T-Shirt, und ich kann einfach keins finden.
Caroline: There is nothing in it for me. All this time I have been looking for a new t-shirt, and I just can't find one.
Martin: Da drüben sehe ich viele schöne T-Shirts mit Bildern von Berlin, und auch ohne, in vielen verschiedenen Farben...
Martin: Over there I see many nice t-shirts with pictures of Berlin and also without, in many different colors…
Caroline: Ja, aber die sind alle zu klein. Ich brauche XXL.
Caroline: Yes, but they are all too small. I need XXL.
Martin: Es gibt kein XXL? Sollen wir einen Verkäufer mal fragen?
Martin: They don't have XXL? Shall we ask a salesperson?
Caroline: Nein, ich kenne die Antwort schon. Es ist schon okay. Lass uns einen anderen Laden finden, vielleicht haben wir da mehr Glück.
Caroline: No, I already know the answer. It's okay. Let's find another shop, maybe we will be luckier there.
Judith: Okay I think it’s about time to give you some tips about clothing when you are coming to Germany.
Chuck: Sounds good.
Judith: One important thing is to convert your sizes before coming here because Germany uses a different system especially for shoe sizes and vests or shirt sizes, you should probably look up the conversions.
Chuck: Some sizes like XXL and up are only available in specialty stores because well, few Germans need them. On an average, I’d also say that people are more conscious about fashion and will often choose fashion over comfort. So let’s say if you are going to come over here, bring the better part of your wardrobe.
Judith: Yeah and you should bring at least one thing other than Jeans in case you are invited to a nice restaurant or invited to see somebody’s grandparents or maybe you want to attend church on Sundays. Traditionally people are expected to dress best on Sundays.
Chuck: And isn’t that just when they are going to go to church?
Judith: Well these days it depends on the people. If they are going to church, if they are going to see like older people.
Chuck: I guess if they went to the theater or something as well.
Judith: Yeah of course or if their job allows them to dress relaxedly. If the job requires them to dress up and they are much more likely to stay in weekends screw it you know however.
Chuck: I see. So let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: First word is [Laden]
Chuck: Shop.
Judith: [Laden, Laden] This word is masculine and the plural is [Läden]. Next word [Doof]
Chuck: Stupid, silly or lame.
Judith: [Doof, doof] Next word [Zeit]
Chuck: Time
Judith: [Zeit, Zeit] This word is feminine and the plural is [Zeiten]. Next word [T-Shirt]
Chuck: T-Shirt.
Judith: [T-Shirt, T-Shirt] This word is neuter [Das T-Shirt] and the plural is [T-Shirts]. Next word [Da drüben]
Chuck: Over there.
Judith: [Da drüben, da drüben] Next word [Verschieden]
Chuck: Different.
Judith: [Verschieden, verschieden] Next word [Farbe]
Chuck: Color.
Judith: [Farbe, Farbe, die Farben] This is feminine and the plural is [Farben] Next word [Verkäufer]
Chuck: Salesperson.
Judith: [Verkäufer, Verkäufer] This word is masculine and the plural is the same. Next word [Antwort]
Chuck: Answer.
Judith: [Antwort, Antwort, die Antwort] Feminine and the plural is [Antworten] Next word [Glück]
Chuck: Luck.
Judith: [Glück, Glück, das Glück] Neuter.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we will look at is [Die ganze Zeit]
Chuck: All the time.
Judith: For example, [Er starrt mich die ganze Zeit an]
Chuck: He has been staring at me all this time.
Judith: Next thing is [Keins]
Chuck: Not any.
Judith: [Ich kann keins finden. ]
Chuck: I can’t find any.
Judith: And [Glück]
Chuck: Luck.
Judith: The word [Glück] appears most commonly in the phrase [Viel Glück]
Chuck: Good luck.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The grammar focus of this lesson are the demonstratives.
Judith: In German, the demonstrative pronouns are [Dieser, Diese, Dieses]
Chuck: This
Judith: and [Jener, Jene, Jenes]
Chuck: That.
Judith: So you have to choose the right one according to the gender and the case of your noun of course. However the thing is that you will never hear [Jener, Jene, Jenes] in spoken German and both [Dieser, Diese, Dieses] and [Jener, Jene, Jenes] will most likely be replaced by the simple article [Der, Die, Das]
Chuck: For example, while Caroline said
Judith: [Dieser Laden ist doof]
Chuck: Martin then picked up on it saying
Judith: [Warum ist der Laden doof?] Caroline could have called it [Der Laden] as well.
Chuck: Used in the definite article instead of the demonstrative pronouns is a distinct feature of spoken German. It sounds colloquial.
Judith: In written German, you will not see it used like this.
Chuck: And we know, [Ohne dich ist alles doof].
Judith: That’s a popular topic of mugs and T-Shirts and stuff.
Chuck: It has a little sheep on it. Doesn’t it?
Judith: Yeah. Radio doof, Musik doof, Himmel doof, everything.


Chuck: It’s really cute. But that just about does it for today. Some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com
Judith: Line by line audio
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences.
Judith: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at germanpod101.com
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: [Bis nächste Woche].

