
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson #25. If You Had Any Doubts About Your German…They End Here!
Judith: Hello everyone. I am Judith and welcome to germanpod101.
Chuck: With us, you will learn to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We also provide you with cultural insights
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in any textbook. In this lesson, you will learn how to express doubt in Germany.
Judith: This conversation takes place in a German soccer stadium during the game.
Chuck: The conversation is between two soccer fans of opposing teams who happen to sit next to each other. The speakers are strangers. Therefore they will be speaking formal German.
Judith: Remember, commenting each day
Chuck: And posting in the forum are two great ways to get answers.
Judith: Community members, Chuck
Chuck: And Judith.
Judith: And staff are all ready to help.
Chuck: So definitely take advantage. All right, let’s listen to the conversation.
C: Tooor! Jetzt steht es eins zu null für Bayern München!
J: Freut euch nicht zu früh, Wolfsburg kann noch aufholen.
C: Theoretisch. Ich glaube es nicht.
J: Wieso nicht? Der Ball ist rund und das Spiel dauert 90 Minuten.
C: Ja, aber die Bayern spielen heute wirklich gut. Wolfsburg hat keine Chance.
J: Wir werden sehen.
C: Ich sag es Ihnen, das wird nichts!
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
C: Tooor! Jetzt steht es eins zu null für Bayern München!
J: Freut euch nicht zu früh, Wolfsburg kann noch aufholen.
C: Theoretisch. Ich glaube es nicht.
J: Wieso nicht? Der Ball ist rund und das Spiel dauert 90 Minuten.
C: Ja, aber die Bayern spielen heute wirklich gut. Wolfsburg hat keine Chance.
J: Wir werden sehen.
C: Ich sag es Ihnen, das wird nichts!
Judith: Now with the translation.
C: Tooor! Jetzt steht es eins zu null für Bayern München!
C: Gooaaall! Now the score is one to zero for Bayern Munich!
J: Freut euch nicht zu früh, Wolfsburg kann noch aufholen.
J: Don't get your hopes up too soon, Wolfsburg can still catch up.
C: Theoretisch. Ich glaube es nicht.
C: In theory they can. I don't believe it.
J: Wieso nicht? Der Ball ist rund und das Spiel dauert 90 Minuten.
J: Why not? The ball is round and the game lasts 90 minutes.
C: Ja, aber die Bayern spielen heute wirklich gut. Wolfsburg hat keine Chance.
C: Yes, but the Bavarians play really well today. Wolfsburg doesn't stand a chance.
J: Wir werden sehen.
J: We will see.
C: Ich sag es Ihnen, das wird nichts!
C: I tell you, nothing is going to come out of it!
Chuck: All right, so we have a cultural point.
Judith: Yes.
Chuck: We get to talk about soccer.
Judith: No we talked about soccer enough.
Chuck: Really?
Judith: I was thinking topic quotations, famous things that you should know. For example, in this dialogue, we had one [Der Ball ist rund und das Spiel dauert 90 Minuten.]
Chuck: The ball is round and the game lasts 90 minutes.
Judith: That’s a famous quotation by [Sepp Herberger] who was a German National soccer coach for quite a few years.
Chuck: But I have a better quotation. [Niemand hat die Absicht eine Mauer zu errichten] Nobody has the intention of constructing a wall. And if my memory tells me correctly, [Walter Ulbricht] The Head of the GDR who said this even when they are already building the Berlin Wall, didn’t he?
Judith: Yes. That’s why it’s in memory so much. Okay here is an easy sentence [Wir sind das Volk.]
Chuck: We are the people.
Judith: Yes this was the slogan of demonstrations against the communist East German regime as in you know that the communists are always claiming to represent the people.
Chuck: Uhoo.
Judith: And although he was saying [Wir sind das Volk.]. We are the people. Later this slogan changed to [Wir sind ein Volk] with….
Chuck: We are one people.
Judith: Yes on being one because this latest slogan emphasizes the need for the reunification of east and west.
Chuck: Let me think, let me think. Okay.
Judith: I already have one…
Chuck: Wait! Okay.
Judith: Es wächst zusammen was zusammen gehört.
Chuck: What belongs together will grow together.
Judith: This is attributed to Willy Brandt about the reunification as in finally, Germany is growing together again.
Chuck: All right you win that round but I am going to have an answer for everything that you come up with for the next round. Let’s go with the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: First word [Tor]
Chuck: Gate, door, or goal.
Judith: [Tor, Tor, das Tor] And the plural is [Tore]. Next word [Sich freuen]
Chuck: To be happy.
Judith: [Sich freuen, sich freuen] Next word [Euch]
Chuck: You plural as an object or yourselves.
Judith: [Euch, euch] Next word [Früh]
Chuck: Early
Judith: [Früh, früh] Next word [Aufholen]
Chuck: To catch up.
Judith: [Aufholen, aufholen] And the [Auf] splits off as [usual] Next word [Theoretisch]
Chuck: Theoretically, in theory or theoretical.
Judith: [Theoretisch, theoretisch] Next word [Wieso]
Chuck: Why.
Judith: [Wieso, wieso] Next word [Ball]
Chuck: Ball as in the round object or a celebration.
Judith: [Ball, Ball, der Ball] This is masculine and the plural is [Bälle] Next word [Rund]
Chuck: Round.
Judith: [Rund, rund] Next word [Dauern]
Chuck: To last or take as in a certain amount of time.
Judith: [Dauern, dauern] Next word [Chance]
Chuck: Chance.
Judith: [Chance, Chance] This word is feminine and the plural is [Chancen]
Chuck: So I won that round with [Eins zu eins] one to one. Who’ll come out on top in this German pod lesson?
Judith: Actually this brings us to the next topic where you should have a look at the vocabulary and phrase usage and the first phrase we will look at is [Es steht eins zu null für München.]
Chuck: The scores are 1-0 for Team Munich.
Judith: The [Es steht] literally means it stands but of course the meaning is the score is it stands______ (0:04:54). The first number then, the [Eins] refers to the home team unless you name another team after [Für]. So if you say [Es steht eins zu null für München] that is the same as saying [Es steht null zu eins für Wolfsburg.]
Chuck: But now in our little competition, it’s still 1:1. So how would you say like it’s a tie?
Judith: [That is, Es ist Gleichstand] is like literally equal stand but equilibrium balance. This is a common phrase to say that the game is even and both teams have the same score.

Lesson focus

Chuck: So the focus of this lesson are the dative forms of personal pronouns.
Judith: You know personal pronouns [Ich, Du, Er, Sie, Es] and so on, these are all the nominative forms like when they are the subject, they will take this form but also each personal pronoun has a dative form and the dative form is used when the person is an indirect object of an action or also after certain prepositions.
Chuck: So what are the dative forms of personal pronouns?
Judith: Well for [Ich] it’s [Mir].
Chuck: To me.
Judith: For [Du] it’s [Dir].
Chuck: To you.
Judith: For [Er and for es] it’s [Ihm]
Chuck: To him or to it.
Judith: Yeah and actually the [Ihm] is an anagram of him maybe that will help you remember.
Chuck: Nice.
Judith: And then we have [Sie] as in [She] forms [Ihr]
Chuck: To her.
Judith: [Wir as uns]
Chuck: To us
Judith: [Ihr as euch]
Chuck: To you all.
Judith: And the [Sie] as in they has a different form. It’s not [Ihr] it’s [Ihnen]
Chuck: To them.
Judith: This is also case for the formal you [Ihnen]
Chuck: To you.
Judith: The difference is that when you are talking of formal you, the first letter is capitalized no matter if it’s a [Sie] or Ihnen


Chuck: Well that just about does it for today. Some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool in germanpod101.com
Judith: Line by line audio.
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: Listen until every word or syllable becomes clear. Basically we break the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences.
Judith: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at germanpod101.com
Chuck: Well I guess Judith won this lesson 2:1 or [Zwei] zu [Eins].
Judith: Yeay!
Chuck: We will see you next time where you learn who wins next lesson.
Judith: [Bis nächstes Mal.]

