
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson #15. German Likes and Dislikes: I Don't Like Soccer!. Hello and welcome to the beginner series, Season 2 at germanpod101.com where we study modern German in a fun, educational format.
Judith: So brush up on the German that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Chuck: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. So Judith, what are we talking about today?
Judith: In this lesson, you will learn how to express what you like and dislike.
Chuck: This conversation takes place at a German home right after lunch. The conversation is between Maria and her boyfriend. The speakers are friends. Therefore they will be speaking informal German.
Judith: Listeners, I have a question.
Chuck: A question?
Judith: Yep. I want to know when was the last time you commented.
Chuck: Why do you want to know when the last time I commented? Oh this is for listeners! Oh, oh, yeah, a great question!
Judith: Stop by germanpod101.com, leave us a comment or just say hi.
Chuck: You heard her. Let’s listen to the conversation.
B: Ah, jetzt kommt gerade Fußball im Fernsehen!
M: Fußball? Ich mag Fußball nicht. Schalte um!
B: Aber ich liebe Fußball! Guck mal, Deutschland spielt!
M: Ich hasse Fußball! Die Profis kriegen alle zu viel Geld.
B: Nein…
M: Lass uns sehen, was sonst noch kommt.
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
B: Ah, jetzt kommt gerade Fußball im Fernsehen!
M: Fußball? Ich mag Fußball nicht. Schalte um!
B: Aber ich liebe Fußball! Guck mal, Deutschland spielt!
M: Ich hasse Fußball! Die Profis kriegen alle zu viel Geld.
B: Nein…
M: Lass uns sehen, was sonst noch kommt.
Judith: Now with the translation.
B: Ah, jetzt kommt gerade Fußball im Fernsehen!
B: Ah, now there's soccer on TV!
M: Fußball? Ich mag Fußball nicht. Schalte um!
M: Soccer? I don't like soccer. Switch channels!
B: Aber ich liebe Fußball! Guck mal, Deutschland spielt!
B: But I love soccer! Look, Germany is playing!
M: Ich hasse Fußball! Die Profis kriegen alle zu viel Geld.
M: I hate soccer! The pros all get too much money.
B: Nein…
B: No…
M: Lass uns sehen, was sonst noch kommt.
M: Let's see what else is on.
Judith: Yeah soccer is really everywhere in Germany. It’s our national sport. More than 6 million people are registered members of the [Deutscher Fußball-Bund], the DFB, The German Soccer Association.
Chuck: When Germany wins the game, you will find it very hard to escape the craziness that follows. It’s the only time you will see German flags.
Judith: The Bundesliga, the Federal League consists of the top 18 soccer clubs.
Chuck: The majority of good clubs come from North Rhine-Westphalia because of its many big cities. Of course, take in mind that the scriptwriter comes from that area.
Judith: No actually if you look at the top 18 soccer clubs, most of them aren’t from North Rhine-Westphalia…
Chuck: That’s what she says.
Judith: And it’s also because of the coal and steel industry there. These industries used to have company soccer teams and that of course was laying the groundwork for the homegrown soccer talents.
Chuck: But you have to admit that [Bayern-München] is probably the best or at least the most famous soccer club.
Judith: Yeah it has fans all over the country and even abroad. While the fans of other clubs usually have ties to the city or the region that their club comes from.
Chuck: Well I think we are taking up a bit too much of this lesson with soccer. So if you are interested in more information, see our audio blog #6. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: First word [Gerade]
Chuck: Just, just now or right now.
Judith: [Gerade, gerade]. Fußball.
Chuck: Soccer or soccer ball
Judith: [Fußball, Fußball, der Fußball] This is masculine and if you are talking about soccer balls, the plural is [Fußbälle]. Mögen.
Chuck: To like
Judith: [Mögen, mögen]. Umschalten.
Chuck: To change channels.
Judith: [Umschalten, umschalten] Note that the [Um] splits off. This is the separable verb as we’ve seen before. [Lieben]
Chuck: To love.
Judith: [Lieben, lieben]. Deutschland.
Chuck: Germany.
Judith: [Deutschland, Deutschland]. Spielen.
Chuck: To play.
Judith: [Spielen, spielen]. Hassen.
Chuck: To hate.
Judith: [Hassen, hassen]. Profi.
Chuck: Professional or pro.
Judith: [Profi, Profi] This is masculine and the plural is [Profis]. Kriegen.
Chuck: To receive.
Judith: [Kriegen, kriegen]
Chuck: Don’t get this mixed up with [Krieg].
Judith: [Krieg] means war. [Kriegen] to receive. [Sonst]
Chuck: Otherwise or other than that.
Judith: [Sonst, sonst]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we look at is come on. Of course, you know that this means to come but in this lesson, come on is not used in that sense. It’s used in the sense of to be on, to talk about what programs are shown on TV. This is apparent in several phrases in this lesson. For example [Lass uns sehen was sonst noch kommt]
Chuck: Let’s see what else is on. What else would you like to say Judith?
Judith: I want to talk about [Sonst]. Sonst normally means otherwise as when you are making a threat. For example [Geh nach Hause sonst]. Go home otherwise
Chuck: Bleib hier im [Tonstudio sonst].
Judith: Yeah I probably have to threaten you but in this dialogue, we used it with [Sonst noch] and [Sonst noch] means something else. For example, in a shop, you will hear this a lot of times. People will tell you, [Sonst noch etwas?]
Chuck: Yeah I always remembered when I first came to Germany, I was in the bakery and they would always say something to me after I told them what I wanted. I never understood it. So I just feel like what? But eventually I figured out they are asking if I still want something.
Judith: Yeah [Sonst noch etwas?]
Chuck: Well actually I think I’d like to go watch some TV. So I guess let’s see…
Judith: No now it’s time for grammar.
Chuck: Later.

Lesson focus

Judith: You’ve seen vowel changing verbs before. For example, [Lesen]
Chuck: To read.
Judith: Whose stem changes to [Lies] for the second and third person singular. For vowel changing verbs, it’s always just these two forms that use a different stem.
Chuck: However there are a couple of verbs to change stem for all of singular forms. This concerns mostly German modal verbs the equivalents of can, may, must and alike but also the verb [Mögen] to like which you’ve seen in this lesson.
Judith: [Mögen] uses the stem [Mag] for all singular forms. So [Ich mag, Du magst, Er mag, Wir mögen, Ihr mögt, Sie mögen]


Chuck: It’s an extremely useful verb when talking about what you like and dislike. So let it well. Well that just about does it for today. Okay some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com.
Judith: Line by line audio.
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: And again and again. Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible little very tiny pieces of sentences.
Judith: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at germanpod101.com
Chuck: See you next week.
Judith: [Bis nächste Woche].

