
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson #33. Are You Certain You Are Ready for the Fast Lane in Germany?!
Judith: Hello everyone. I am Judith and welcome to germanpod101.
Chuck: With us, you will learn to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We will also provide you with cultural insights.
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you learn how to express certainty in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a hotel in Germany.
Chuck: The conversation is between Martin and Caroline, our two American tourists. The speakers are friends. Therefore they will be speaking informal German. Now before we listen to the conversation
Judith: We want to ask
Chuck: Do you read the lesson notes while you listen?
Judith: We received an email about the study tip.
Chuck: So we are wondering if you tried it and if so,
Judith: What do you think of it?
Chuck: You can leave us feedback in the comments section of this lesson. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
Caroline: Willst du nicht München und Heidelberg sehen?
Martin: Doch.
Caroline: Dann sollten wir uns jetzt unsere Fahrkarten reservieren.
Martin: Ich denke wir waren lange genug in Berlin, wir könnten morgen schon fahren. Was denkst du?
Caroline: Berlin ist wirklich schön, aber du hast Recht, wir sollten jetzt andere Städte sehen.
Martin: Hier, auf dieser Webseite gibt es Fahrkarten für den Zug von Berlin nach München morgen früh.
Caroline: Mehr als 200 Euro nur für die eine Fahrt für uns beide??
Martin: Das ist zu teuer. Ich werde ein Auto mieten.
Caroline: Bist du dir sicher, dass du in Deutschland fahren kannst? Die Schilder sind hier anders, und die Regeln auch; auf der Autobahn fährt man superschnell...
Martin: Keine Sorge, natürlich kann ich das. Ich bin mir ganz sicher.
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
Caroline: Willst du nicht München und Heidelberg sehen?
Martin: Doch.
Caroline: Dann sollten wir uns jetzt unsere Fahrkarten reservieren.
Martin: Ich denke wir waren lange genug in Berlin, wir könnten morgen schon fahren. Was denkst du?
Caroline: Berlin ist wirklich schön, aber du hast Recht, wir sollten jetzt andere Städte sehen.
Martin: Hier, auf dieser Webseite gibt es Fahrkarten für den Zug von Berlin nach München morgen früh.
Caroline: Mehr als 200 Euro nur für die eine Fahrt für uns beide??
Martin: Das ist zu teuer. Ich werde ein Auto mieten.
Caroline: Bist du dir sicher, dass du in Deutschland fahren kannst? Die Schilder sind hier anders, und die Regeln auch; auf der Autobahn fährt man superschnell...
Martin: Keine Sorge, natürlich kann ich das. Ich bin mir ganz sicher.
Judith: Now with the translation.
Caroline: Willst du nicht München und Heidelberg sehen?
Caroline: Don't you want to see Munich and Heidelberg?
Martin: Doch.
Martin: Yes I do.
Caroline: Dann sollten wir uns jetzt unsere Fahrkarten reservieren.
Caroline: Then we should now reserve our tickets.
Martin: Ich denke wir waren lange genug in Berlin, wir könnten morgen schon fahren. Was denkst du?
Martin: I think we have been in Berlin long enough, we could leave tomorrow already. What do you think?
Caroline: Berlin ist wirklich schön, aber du hast Recht, wir sollten jetzt andere Städte sehen.
Caroline: Berlin is really pretty, but you are right, we should now see other cities.
Martin: Hier, auf dieser Webseite gibt es Fahrkarten für den Zug von Berlin nach München morgen früh.
Martin: Here, on this website there are tickets for the train from Berlin to Munich tomorrow morning.
Caroline: Mehr als 200 Euro nur für die eine Fahrt für uns beide??
Caroline: More than 200 Euros just for the one way for both of us?
Martin: Das ist zu teuer. Ich werde ein Auto mieten.
Martin: That's too expensive. I will rent a car.
Caroline: Bist du dir sicher, dass du in Deutschland fahren kannst? Die Schilder sind hier anders, und die Regeln auch; auf der Autobahn fährt man superschnell...
Caroline: Are you sure that you can drive in Germany? The signs are different here, and so are the rules; on the Autobahn people go really fast…
Martin: Keine Sorge, natürlich kann ich das. Ich bin mir ganz sicher.
Martin: Don't worry, of course I can. I am very sure.
Judith: How about we give our listeners some tips on how to use the German trains.
Chuck: Sounds great.
Judith: One thing is that if you are traveling locally, you have to be sure to buy a ticket before you get on the train. You can buy them from a [Automat] at the train station or if you are lucky, you can find a human vendor.
Chuck: If you are traveling in the fast intercity or intercity express trains, you also have the option of buying the ticket while you are already on the train but you can’t get a seat reservation and it is more expensive than if you buy it beforehand.
Judith: You need to buy your ticket at least 3 days in advance in order to be able to take advantage of promotional offers. Some of the offers are sold out even a week or longer in advance.
Chuck: The most convenient way to buy tickets online is from the bahn.de website. That’s the official website of Germany’s national railway. This is also true if you are in Austria or Switzerland if you have a place to print them out for example. You can buy tickets and reservations on this website also for complicated trips and you can compare prices more easily than if you are with a salesperson.
Judith: Buy the tickets using your credit card and then either have them ship to you or just print them out. If you print your own ticket, you will need to show your credit card in the train as proof that you are the buyer.
Chuck: You can’t get seat reservations for local trains but when traveling on the fast intercity or intercity express, also known as IC and ICE trains, most people have a seat reservation. So there isn’t a chance that they might have to stand up for few hours.
Judith: To find your reserved seat, watch out for a post on the tracks that indicates where your train car will stop. Once you are in that car, the seat numbers are indicated on each side above your head. There you can also see if somebody reserved a seat and from where to where. So if you don’t have a reservation and you sit down in the reserved seat, you will have to vacate it if and when the person arrives.
Chuck: And one more comment to make though and I don’t think you actually made a wise financial decision by renting a car in Germany. You probably doesn’t realize that gas is about three times the prices in the states.
Judith: Yeah trains is faster.
Chuck: Yeah and how much you just say you pay when you fill up the tank here?
Judith: Probably 70 Euros.
Chuck: So about a $100 when compared to the price, well I paid about $25 to fill up my tank in the States. So it’s quite a difference and also rental cars are more expensive here. So I think it would have been cheaper to take the train but at least the rents are well and I think I will be stubborn to look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: First word is [Wollen]
Chuck: To want.
Judith: [Wollen, wollen] This is an irregular verb and we will look at it in the grammar section. Next [Fahrkarte]
Chuck: Ticket.
Judith: [Fahrkarte, Fahrkarte] This word is feminine and the plural is [Fahrkarten]. Next [Reservieren]
Chuck: To reserve.
Judith: [Reservieren, reservieren] Next [Morgen]
Chuck: Tomorrow.
Judith: [Morgen, morgen] Next [Recht haben]
Chuck: To be right.
Judith: [Recht] means right or [Law] and [Haben] is to have of course. Next [Webseite]
Chuck: Website.
Judith: [Webseite, Webseite, die Webseite] And the plural is [Webseiten]. Next [Fahrt]
Chuck: Drive.
Judith: [Fahrt, Fahrt, die Fahrt] This is feminine and the plural is [Fahrten]. Next [Schild]
Chuck: Sign.
Judith: [Schild, Schild, das Schild] This is neuter and the plural is [Schilder]. Next [Regel]
Chuck: Rule.
Judith: [Regel, Regel] Feminine and the plural is [Regeln]. Next [Autobahn]
Chuck: Interstate or motorway
Judith: [Autobahn, Autobahn, die Autobahn] and the plural is [Autobahnen]. Next [Man]
Chuck: One, you or people.
Judith: [Man, man] Next [Schnell]
Chuck: Fast.
Judith: [Schnell, schnell] Next [Sorge]
Chuck: Worry.
Judith: [Sorge, Sorge, die Sorge] And the plural is [Sorgen].
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we look at is [Morgen früh]
Chuck: Tomorrow morning or early tomorrow.
Judith: This consists of [Morgen] tomorrow and you don’t want the confusion with [Der Morgen] meaning morning. Well theoretically, you could say [Morgen morgen] but more commonly, you will say [Morgen früh] early tomorrow and the next thing is [Superschnell]
Chuck: Superfast.
Judith: We often have [Superschnell] just trying from the meaning of a word but you may also say something like [Blitzschnell]
Chuck: Fast as lightning. [Das ist supercool]
Judith: And finally we have [Keine Sorge]
Chuck: Literally no worry.
Judith: This means don’t worry.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is the irregular verb [Wollen].
Judith: In the dialogue, we saw the phrase [Willst du nicht Heidelberg und München sehen?]
Chuck: Don’t you want to see Heidelberg in Munich. The moral verb [Wollen] is irregular. Judith, could you tell me the forms?
Judith: Of course [Ich will]
Chuck: I want.
Judith: [Du willst]
Chuck: You want
Judith: [Er will]
Chuck: He wants
Judith: [Wir wollen]
Chuck: We want
Judith: [Ihr wollt]
Chuck: You all want.
Judith: [Sie wollen]
Chuck: They want.


Chuck: That just about does it for today. Don’t forget to stop by germanpod101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
Judith: It has the conversation transcript.
Chuck: Vocab, sample sentences and a grammar explanation
Judith: And a cultural insights section.
Chuck: Seeing the German really helps remember faster.
Judith: But don’t take our word for it. Please have a look for yourself.
Chuck: And let us know what you think.
Judith: [Also, bis nächste Woche]
Chuck: See you next week.

