
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, Absolute Beginner, Season 2, Lesson 21, Getting The Check At The German Restaurant.
Judith: Hello, everyone. I’m Judith and welcome to GermanPod101.com.
Chuck: With us, you’ll learn to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to form larger numbers in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a pub in Berlin.
Chuck: The conversation is between Sarah, Paul and the waitress.
Judith: Sarah and Paul are friends, so they will be speaking informal German to each other. But all exchanges with the waitress will be informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Judith: Es is' spät, ich sollte wirklich geh'n.
Chuck: Jetz' schon?
Judith: Ja. Ich fühl' mich auch nich' so gut.
Chuck: Okay, das versteh' ich.
Judith: Entschuldigung, die Rechnung bitte!
Chuck: Zusammen oder getrennt?
Judith: Zusammen. Ich bezahle dieses Mal.
Chuck: Was??
Judith: Ich lad' dich ein.
Chuck: Bitte nicht. Wir kennen uns noch nicht so gut, und es ist mir unangenehm. Wenn die Kellnerin kommt, bezahle ich meinen Teil und du deinen.
Judith: Na gut.
Chuck: Bitte sehr, die Rechnung. Das macht 10 Euro 60.
Judith: Ich hatte eine Cola für 2 Euro 50 und ein Berliner Pilsener für 2 Euro 70, das sind also 5 Euro 20. Hier sind sechs Euro; stimmt so.
Judith: Now, with translation.
Judith: Es is' spät, ich sollte wirklich geh'n.
Chuck: It’s late. I should really get going.
Judith: Jetz' schon?
Chuck: Already?
Judith: Ja. Ich fühl' mich auch nich' so gut.
Chuck: Yes, I also don’t feel so good.
Judith: Okay, das versteh' ich..
Chuck: Okay, I understand.
Judith: Entschuldigung, die Rechnung bitte!
Chuck: Excuse me, the bill, please.
Judith: Zusammen oder getrennt?
Chuck: Together or separate?
Judith: Zusammen. Ich bezahle dieses Mal.
Chuck: Together. I pay this time.
Judith: Was??
Chuck: What?
Judith: Ich lad' dich ein.
Chuck: I’m treating you.
Judith: Bitte nicht. Wir kennen uns noch nicht so gut, und es ist mir unangenehm.
Chuck: Please don’t. We don’t know each other too well yet and it makes me uncomfortable.
Judith: Wenn die Kellnerin kommt, bezahle ich meinen Teil und du deinen.
Chuck: When the waitress comes, I’ll pay my part and you pay yours.
Judith: Na gut.
Chuck: Sure.
Judith: Bitte sehr, die Rechnung. Das macht 10 Euro 60.
Chuck: Here you are, the bill. That’s EUR10.60.
Judith: Ich hatte eine Cola für 2 Euro 50 und ein Berliner Pilsener für 2 Euro 70.
Chuck: I had a cola for EUR2.50 and a Berliner Pilsner for EUR2.70.
Judith: so that's €5.20.
Chuck: So that’s EUR5.20.
Judith: Here's 6 euros; keep the change.
Chuck: Here’s EUR6, keep the change.
Judith: Ich hatte zwei Berliner Pilsner, also insgesamt 5 Euro 40.
Chuck: I had two Berliner Pilsners so EUR5.40 in total.
Judith: I only have 10 euros; I'll pay 6 out of the 10.
Chuck: I only have EUR10, make it EUR6.
Judith: Und vier zurück. Danke! Auf Wiedersehen!
Chuck: And EUR4 back. Thanks. Good-bye.
Judith: All right, for cultural point today, I think our first summary of useful phrases for you, phrases for the cafe and the pub.
Chuck: All right, sounds good.
Judith: So, first thing, if you’re with a friend, you might want to ask him “Wo möchtest du sitzen?”.
Chuck: Where do you want to sit?
Judith: If you’re not with a friend and it’s so crowded, you have to sit down at someone else’s table and you can politely ask “Ist hier noch frei?”?
Chuck: Is this still free?
Judith: This is a very common phrase, “Ist hier noch frei?” Then the waiter will arrive and he will ask you “Was möchten Sie trinken?”.
Chuck: What would you like to drink?
Judith: You might reply „Haben Sie … ?“.
Chuck: Do you have?
Judith: Or you could request the menu, „Ich möchte bitte die Karte sehen.“.
Chuck: I would like to see the menu, please.
Judith: To order, say, „Ich hätte gern …“
Chuck: I would like...
Judith: And the common reply is „Kommt sofort.“.
Chuck: Coming up right away.
Judith: At the end of the meal, say, „Die Rechnung bitte“.
Chuck: The check, please.
Judith: Most likely you will then hear “(Zahlen Sie) zusammen oder getrennt?”.
Chuck: Are you paying together or separately?
Judith: If the waiter announces how much you have to pay, it will take the form of „Macht X Euro und X Cent“.
Chuck: That’s X Euros and X cents.
Judith: To give a tip, say, “Stimmt so”, if you’re giving more money and don’t want change. Alternatively, say, “Macht X” something specifying a new total price so that they give you less change. Do not make the mistake of saying the amount of the tip here, „Macht“, you have to specify the total price.
Chuck: Notice the same also works in taxes.
Judith: Yes, obviously.
Chuck: If you’re too afraid to navigate this conversation in German, you can also just wait till you receive your change back and then hands them to the waiter. That’s the language anyone understands. But it’s recommended not just leave the tip on the table.
Judith: Yes, and the typical amount of tip is 5% to 10%. If the total sum is below EUR10, it’s common to just round up to the next euro.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Judith: wirklich
Chuck: Really.
Judith: wirklich
Chuck: Next.
Judith: Rechnung
Chuck: Bill or check.
Judith: Rechnung and the plural is Rechnungen
Chuck: Next.
Judith: getrennt
Chuck: Separately or separated.
Judith: getrennt
Chuck: Next.
Judith: bezahlen
Chuck: To pay.
Judith: bezahlen
Chuck: Next.
Judith: dieses
Chuck: This.
Judith: dieses
Chuck: Next.
Judith: einladen
Chuck: To invite.
Judith: einladen and this is a splitting verb with a vowel-changing verb.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: dich
Chuck: You, informal as an object.
Judith: dich
Chuck: Next.
Judith: wenn
Chuck: When or if.
Judith: wenn
Chuck: Next.
Judith: Teil
Chuck: Part.
Judith: Teil and the plural is Teile
Chuck: Next.
Judith: hatte
Chuck: Had.
Judith: hatte
Chuck: Next.
Judith: stimmen
Chuck: To tune or be right.
Judith: stimmen
Chuck: Next.
Judith: insgesamt
Chuck: In total.
Judith: insgesamt
Chuck: Next.
Judith: nur
Chuck: Only.
Judith: nur
Chuck: Next.
Judith: zurück
Chuck: Back.
Judith: zurück
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: First, we should look at the phrase „Zusammen oder getrennt?“ This is “Germans typicallygo Dutch” when it comes to bills”. So, in some areas, the waiters will automatically bring you separate bills. But because of the inflows of tourism, a lot of waiters have now take into asking how you want to be billed. The phrase is always „Zusammen oder getrennt?“
Chuck: Together or separated.
Judith: That means, do you want one bill for all or separate bills for everyone.
Chuck: „Macht X“ is a standard way of us announcing a price.
Judith: Yes.
Chuck: If you would say „Macht sechs euro” if you want to pay six euros.
Judith: „Macht sechs euro” yes, or „Macht sechs euro und fünfzig Cent.” This is how the way to tell you what your meal cost. And „Stimmt so“, means, “it’s right like this.” It’s a standard expression to use when you don’t insist on change. All the change would become a tip to the waiter.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is numbers beyond 12.
Judith: 11 was „elf“ and 12 was „zwölf“.
Chuck: Like in English, these number words can’t really be explained. After that, the continuation is more regular though. For numbers 13 to 19, just put the word for the German number and add „zehn“.
Judith: dreizehn, vierzehn, fünfzehn, sechzehn, siebzehn, achtzehn, neunzehn
Chuck: Wait, there’s a couple that didn’t follow that rule, I said.
Judith: Yeah, we make things a bit easier by saying „siebzehn“ rather than „siebenzehn“, and „sechzehn“ instead of „sechs-zehn“.
Chuck: Yeah, I think the reason is obvious. You don’t really want to pronounce „sechs-zehn“?. If you want to pronounce something that difficult, you could learn Polish.
Judith: 20 is „zwanzig“,30 is „dreißig“,and 40 is „vierzig“.From then on, the remaining numbers always consist of a base number that you already know and the ending –zig.
Chuck: Same shortcut as before for 6 and 7.
Judith: So we get „fünfzig, sechzig, siebzig, achtzig, neunzig“.
Chuck: When you say the ending with ig.
Judith: ig is very highbrow and ig is what everyone says.
Chuck: Okay, counting with these is a bit weird because Germans will say the equivalent of 1 and 20, 2 and 20, 3 and 20.
Judith: Yeah, einundzwanzig, zweiundzwanzig, dreiundzwanzig...
Chuck: But actually, if you read Jane Austen, you’ll notice that old English was doing the same. The ones are always mentioned before the tens when pronouncing a German number.
Judith: After 99, that’s neunundneunzig, you will need “hundert” to continue.
Chuck: That’s not hard because it’s almost the same with English.
Judith: “zweihundert” corresponds to 200, “vierhundert fünfzig” corresponds to 450 and so on.
Chuck: Same for thousands, the German word is, wait for it, “tausend”.
Judith: “tausend”. This way, you can describe a lot of numbers even “fünftausend vierhundert zwei und dreißig” 5,432.
Chuck: Or should we say 5,400, 2 and 30.


Chuck: That just about does it for today. Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular?
Judith: It’s because they work.
Chuck: We’ve taken this time to a studying tool and modernized with My Word Bank Flashcards.
Judith: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Chuck: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called My Word Bank.
Judith: Master words in your My Word Bank by practicing with flashcards.
Chuck: Words in My Word Bank come with audio, so you’ll learn proper pronunciation.
Judith: While you learn to recognize words by sight.
Chuck: Go to GermanPod101.com now and try My Word Bank and flashcards today.
Chuck:Okay, see you next week!
Judith:Okay, dann bis nächste Woche!

